My Calibration

My Calibration

The calibration management solution provides a list of all calibration tables updated in the system.
Calibration tables are used to determine which values should be assigned to the input values received in the Units. Through the calibration tables, it is possible to convert data from one value to another.

Calibration management provides calibration tables for a large number of sensors and other measuring methods.


  1. To select/edit a specific calibration click on the line. After you click on a specific calibration you will see the extra information about it, in the “Update Calibration” section.

    Description - Any calibration description that has been added during the creation of the calibration

    The “Gear” icon that appears near the Calibration Name indicates that this is a system Calibration, i.e. a calibration that has been defined as a system by Galooli and therefore cannot be edited/deleted.

2. The Calibration Report contains a comprehensive list of the organization's calibrations. The organization will be able to manage data more efficiently by utilizing this feature.

3. Refresh the calibration list

4. Remove calibration - You must first separate all associated units from the calibration table using the "My Unit" tool >> "Configuration" >> "IOs." - IO's | IO.This step must be completed before proceeding to the next.

Choose the relevant calibration and click “Remove”.

5. Add calibration

6. To create a new calibration, the user should:

  • Provide general details on the table. Enter a name and description for the table. Both fields should enable easy identification of the table so any user can then add them to the relevant unit

  • Add the calibration values to the table by performing the following stages

How to add parameters to calibration table?

Users can add parameters manually to the table by performing the following stages:

Step 1: Select Calibration type - Click the Type of calibration to open a list of table types. Select the most relevant one from the list.

Step 2: Select what units the values should be measured by opening the Dimension dropdown

Step 3: Fuel Mode - In the case of fuel calibration, select the type and purpose of the fuel tank. In case an external sensor is used for calibration, check the external power sensor.

External Powered Sensor - When the fuel sensor is externally powered, this option should be marked.

Step 4: Enter values in the table by clicking on the + icon.

Step 5: Save your changes