My Service Logs

My Service Logs

My Service Logs allow managers to overwrite and correct summary data manually. Corrections will be reflected in the summary reports.

My Service Logs provides a list of all corrections that have been made by a user per unit.

  1. Select/edit a specific log by selecting the relevant asset from the organization tree. As a result of this action, the existing logs and corrections will be revealed.

  2. The logs list will display all corrections made to the asset. Different types of data are contained in the log, including the date, the user, the comments, and the value of the comments.

  3. In order to add a new correction, please click on "Add” and fill out the blank new data window from the right side of the screen.

  4. Select the date of the new corrections and add the relevant comment.

  5. Add the field to be corrected/overwritten and enter the value.

  6. Save the data