Galooli Fleet

Galooli Fleet

Galooli Fleet is an innovative web-based fleet management platform, designed to display real-time fleet status, relevant KPIs, and statistics both for individual drivers and the entire fleet.

The Galooli Fleet solution offers:

  • An interactive map view, allowing users to monitor and manage their fleet and monitor their location and any events that occurred

  • A sophisticated event live reporting system providing detailed information including incident type, time and location, as well as a timeline of the driver’s route

  • An easy to use, event tab which organizes all your fleet’s events into visual graphs & data tables for easy tracking.

  • An interactive map view, allowing users to manage their organization on all different hierarchy levels

  • A sophisticated reporting system providing visual graphs & data tables

  • An easy to use, easy to understand event tab providing visual graphs & data tables incorporating the orgs events


The Galooli Fleet screen includes 4 main sections:

  • Fleet Tree Structure

  • Map View Tab

  • Reports Tab

  • Events Tab