Account Balance

Account Balance

Galooli allows customers to review their accounts in full transparency by clicking on the Account Balance option in the Customer Portal.

The Account Balance option provides detailed information about your account status, payment activity, transactions list, payment methods, etc.


  1. Account Status:
    Positive - The customer is in positive credit
    Overdue - The customer is in negative credit
    Access might be denied - The customer is in advanced payment overdue

  2. Your Total Balance Is - Future and general liabilities, the total amount that the customer is own to Galooli

  3. Your Due Payment Is - Billing for the current payment cycle

  4. The Three Previous Transactions:
    Type – The type of document sent to the customer
    Sum – The sum of the bill sent to the customer
    Due date – The date on which the bill should be paid
    Reference ID – Invoice/receipt reference number

  5. Last 12 Months Activity - Monthly breakdown of charges against credits

  6. For Inquiries Contact - The customer's contact person on behalf of Galooli

  7. Update Your Payment Method - Link to update the payment method

  8. Visit Our Online Store - Link to Galooli Online Store page

  9. Authorized Users - List of the users who have permission to use the “Account Balance” feature

  10. Activity - All information about the activity done by the customer (Statements)

For more information about the Galooli Overdue Payment Policy please visit the next document.