My Users

My Users

The Manager offers the ability to add and manage users in the organization. Follow and change the configurations and permissions of existing users in a convenient and orderly way.

Existing Users List


Each one of the columns can be sorted and filtered, in addition, each column has a search bar.

  1. To select a specific user click on the line.

  2. User name - User email in the organization

    1. Company - The company to which the user belong

    2. Authorization - User permission level in the different platforms

    3. Expiration time - The amount of time left until the expiration of the user's permissions.
      The “N/A” indicates that the user has never logged in.

    4. Last Activity - Last time a user used the system.
      The “Never” indicates that the user has never logged in.

    5. Red highlight - The user name highlighted in red indicates that the user is disabled

  3. Refresh

  4. Remove user - Choose the relevant user and click “Remove”.

    • When a user is removed from the system and he has scheduled reports or automations within his account, these reports and automations will be canceled and a system log will be added to the Audit tool.

  5. Add user

  6. Count - Number of registered users in the organization

Login Report

Receive information about all log-ins and log-outs of the user in the organization. The information is sent as a report to your email address registered in the system.


Security Report

Possibility to receive to the e-mail address registered in the system a usage report for the system that includes the following information: User name, Full name, Company, Last login time, Last password update time

Add/Edit User Preferences

The user configuration menu allows you to manage user preferences and authorizations.

Add and edit a user

In order to edit a user’s preferences, double-click the user name.

In order to add a new user, click the “Add” button.

Preferences Details

A user's email address can be changed after creation only if the user has not yet logged into the system.

  1. This section contains personal details about the user as well as the type of authorization. Users may belong to one of 4 authorization levels:

    • User

    • Manager

    • Galooli - Internal-specific authorizations

    • Administrator - Can view all users in the system

The user whose authorization level has been downgraded will be automatically logged out.
Galooli Solution | Auto Logout

  • Each type/level can see users from their level or under. I.E Manager authorization can view users with Manager authorization or User authorization, but not Administrator authorization. 

  • Users without the ‘Users Management’ permission can see only themselves regardless of their level.

Depending on the preferences of the customer, the measurement display fields (volume | temperature | distance | speed | pressure | weight) selected by the user will affect the display of the data in the system as a whole. It is necessary to log out and log back in in order for the changes to take effect.

  1. This section allows you to configure which tenants can be seen by the user and all the SDK configurations for the user. For more information please visit the Permission Management document,

The user whose tenant list will be changed from any to a short list or to a smaller list from the existing list will be automatically logged out.
Galooli Solution | Auto Logout

  1. This section allows you to configure all the advanced authorizations of the user. Whether it is viewing permissions or editing permissions in the various platforms. For more information please visit the Permission Management document. Before you add/save the permissions make sure that all the required fields in the configuration (2) menu are full.