My Versions

My Versions

My versions tool helps you keep track of the gateway versions installed in your assets. Via this tool, the user will be able to:

  • See the present version and the history of all the versions

  • Update the version of several or all the gateways in the organization



  1. A list of Galooli gateway types. As the gateway is selected, the list of units will change.
    (Gateway-G5 = Techbase).



  2. A list of the available versions that can be updated.

  3. Displaying all the units of an organization on a single table. The table includes detailed information about each unit. Units can be selected one by one or all at once. Double clicking on a unit will display the history of version updates.

  4. Current version of the gateway.

  5. The status of the new version update prosses. There are several statuses available:

    1. Done - The update process of the new version is completed.

    2. Aborted By User - The update process of the new version has been aborted by the user.

    3. Abort User Request - TBA

    4. Aborted - When there is an internal Galooli issue throughout the version update.

    5. No Process - No update process has been done by the user.

    6. % - The percentage of the update process.

  6. Upgrade button

  7. Refreshing the displayed data of the selected unit

  8. Abort update option

Galooli recommends testing a single unit before performing any batch actions on multiple units to ensure that no issues have been raised.


  • Units which are under the “Stock” cluster will not appear in My Versions.