My Assets

My Assets

The asset management allows you to define the unit Icon and to define the specific make, model & year so you can:

  • Select one asset type for many units

  • You can search for all units of a specific model & year

The asset list provides a list of all assets updated in the system. The assets can then be configured when setting up a unit.


  1. To select/edit a specific Asset click on the line of a specific asset. This feature allows you to see the information about the Asset in the “Update Asset” section on the upper right screen and update some information if necessary

  2. Assets Report - A report contains a complete list of the assets of the organization. By using this feature, the organization will be able to manage data in a more organized manner to improve its overall view.

  3. Refresh Asset

  4. Remove Asset - Choose the relevant Asset and click “Remove”

  5. Add Asset

  6. When adding a new Asset you should choose the brand, year, model, and icon type

The “Gear” icon that appears near the Asset brand indicates that this is a system asset, ie an asset that has been defined as a system by Galooli and therefore cannot be edited/deleted.