My Group

My Group

The group is the third-highest level of the organization hierarchy. Groups are lower than the organization and Clusters and each Cluster can contain one or more groups. Groups contain units. 

Add Group 

A group can be added by left-clicking on the name of a cluster and selecting “+Add ”.

Group Information

The user can provide several definitions on the group level including group information & notification settings

  • Name - Name of the group as it will appear in Galooli systems, dashboards, and reports. The group name should be distinct and descriptive of the purpose of the group. The name of the group is mandatory and the Save option will not work without submitting a name.

  • Description - Description of the group for internal purposes.

  • Address - Address of the group's location.

  • Phone 1/2 - Phone numbers of the group location or contact people in charge of the group.

  • Manager - Name of the manager of the group.

  • Remarks - Open text with additional comments or remarks on the group

Destination Emails

Set emails for notification delivery once an event is triggered. Please note, clients are required to set up an email server and SMS service provider to send emails.

  • Destination e-mail(s) - Emails will receive notifications when the event is triggered in one or more units belonging to the group

  • To separate the e-mail addresses use a comma or enter.

Only Galooli users can get email notifications

Destination SMS

Set phone numbers for notification delivery once an event is triggered. Please note, clients are required to set up an email server and SMS service provider to send emails and SMS messages

  • Destination SMS(s)- Phone number to send SMS messages once an event is triggered. Multiple SMS numbers may be entered. Use the international call prefix

  • To separate the phone numbers use a comma or enter

Edit Group

Editing a group is performed by left-clicking on the desired group name. You will then be able to configure the group in the group configuration window on the right. 

Remove Group

You can remove a group by left-clicking on the group name, three dots, and then selecting "Remove”. 

Move Group/Units to Group

  • You can move a group by left-clicking on the group name, three dots, and then selecting "Move”.  In a new window, you will be presented with different clusters to which the group can be moved. You can move only one group with all its units during each action.

  • On the other hand, you can transfer multiple units from one group to another. To transfer units, first select the group you want to move the units to. Then, click on the three dots, choose Move, followed by Move Units to Group, and finally select the units you wish to transfer.

Clone Group

It is not possible to clone a group.