Building - Global Fields
Field Name | Field Description | Calculation Method |
External Temperature Max/Min/Avg | Max/Min/Avg of Building Global External Temperature |
External Humidity Max/Min/Avg [%] | Max/Min/Avg of Building Global External Humidity |
Heat Total Energy [kWh] | Based on Building Global Heat Total Power |
Hot Water Total Energy [kWh] | Based on Building Global Hot Water Power |
Heating Total Energy [kWh] | Based on Building Global Heating Power |
CHP Total Energy [kWh] | Based on Building Global CHP Heat Power | |
Gas Total Volume Consumed | Based on Building Global Gas Total Volume |
Boiler Gas Total Volume Consumed | Based on Building Global Boiler Gas Volume |
CHP Gas Total Volume Consumed | Based on Building Global CHP Gas Volume |
Grid Total Energy [kWh] | Based on Building Global Grid Power |
Solar Total Energy [kWh] | Based on Building Global Solar Power |