Colocation Fields

Colocation Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Calculation Method

Field Name

Field Description

Calculation Method

Tenant X Initial [KWH]

The first record of the kWh value that was read from the tenant's meter, for the selected time range.

Based on the field Tenant_X.Total_KWH [KWH]

Tenant X Final [KWH]

The last record of the kWh value that was read from the tenant's meter, for the selected time range.

Tenant X Total [KWH]

The total energy consumption (kWh) of the tenant, is based on the readings from the tenant's meter. When the difference between two records exceeds 7500kWh, the system will not sum the difference because it is too large.

Tenant X Total Generator [KWH]

The total energy consumption (kWh) of the tenant that was received from the generator, is based on the readings from the tenant's meter.

Based on the field Tenant_X.Total_Generator_KWH [KWH]

Tenant X Total Non-Generator [KWH]

The total energy consumption (kWh) of the tenant that was not received from the generator, is based on the readings from the tenant's meter.

Based on the fields Tenant_X.Total_KWH [KWH],

Tenant_X.Total_Generator_KWH [KWH]

Tenant X Assignment

The assignment (name) of tenant X.


Tenant X Min/Max/Avg* Current [A]

The minimum, maximum and average current of the tenant's meter.


Tenant X Min/Max/Avg* Voltage [V]

The minimum, maximum, and average voltage of the tenant's meter.


Tenant X Power Availability

The total time in the day (hours) the tenant's "Power Down" alarm was false, meaning the tenant received voltage.

Based on records where Tenant_X_Alarm_Power_Down = No.

At the end of the document, there are comments regarding availability.

Tenant X Load Availability

The total time in the day (hours) the tenant's "Load Down" alarm was false, meaning the tenant received current.

Tenant X Accumulated Consumption [KWH]

The calculated energy consumption (kWh) of the tenant, is based on voltage and the current provided to the tenant.

Based on the fields Tenant_X.V_LY [V], Tenant_X.I_LY [V]

X=1->20, Y=1->3

Tenant X Min/Max/Avg* Power

The minimum, maximum, and average power of the tenant's meter.



As of the date the report was run, this field shows the tenants registered for the unit.

Tenants will be listed in order, separated by a comma (Tenant A, Tenant B).

Report results will only display tenants that the user has permission to view.


The availability time is calculated by accumulating the time between records where the relevant asset was connected. The time will be reserved only if the time difference between the subsequent records is less than 15 minutes. In addition, if the calculated availability value is larger than the Data Availability value, the value will be assigned to the Data Availability value.

*Zeros are ignored in the calculation of averaged fields