Building - Global Fields

Building - Global Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Calculation Method

Field Name

Field Description

Calculation Method

External Temperature Max/Min/Avg

Max/Min/Avg of Building Global External Temperature


External Humidity Max/Min/Avg [%]

Max/Min/Avg of Building Global External Humidity


Heat Total Energy [kWh] 

Based on Building Global Heat Total Power


Hot Water Total Energy [kWh]

Based on Building Global Hot Water Power


Heating Total Energy [kWh] 

Based on Building Global Heating Power


CHP Total Energy [kWh]

Based on Building Global CHP Heat Power

Gas Total Volume Consumed 

Based on Building Global Gas Total Volume


Boiler Gas Total Volume Consumed

Based on Building Global Boiler Gas Volume


CHP Gas Total Volume Consumed

Based on Building Global CHP Gas Volume


Grid Total Energy [kWh]

Based on Building Global Grid Power


Solar Total Energy [kWh] 

Based on Building Global Solar Power