Energy Efficiency Fields

Energy Efficiency Fields

Energy efficiency fields were created to help the client to detect inefficiencies in the sites’ energy management and performance. Using these fields, the client can identify which sites have inefficiency events and how much energy is wasted (e.g., fuel use) during those events.

Field Name

Field Description


Calculation Method


Field Name

Field Description


Calculation Method


Solar On Full Load - No Battery Charge [Hours]

The total time (hours) in which all the power required by the site was provided by the solar, but batteries weren't charged.

Indicates inefficiency in the site's energy management. Batteries should be charged using solar power instead of the grid or generator if the solar can supply enough power.

The total amount of time the following condition holds:

Site_Global.Solar_Load == 100% AND Site_Global.Battery_Charging is False.

Generator On Load - Grid Fully Available [Hours]

The total time (hours) the grid was available but the generator was working.

Indicates inefficiency in the site's energy management. If the grid was available and the generator was running, fuel and generator hours were wasted instead of using the grid

The total amount of time the following condition holds:

Site Global Grid Available && !Site Global Grid Partly Available && (Site Global Generator 1 Running || Site Global Generator 2 Running)

Generator On Load - Grid Fully Available [Liters]

The total amount of fuel consumed when the grid was available but the generator was working.

same as above, but quantify the inefficiency as the amount of fuel wasted.

The total amount of fuel used while the following condition holds:

Site Global Grid Available && !Site Global Grid Partly Available && (Site Global Generator 1 Running || Site Global Generator 2 Running)

Generator On Load - No Battery Charge [Hours]

The total time (hours) when the generator operated and supplied power to the site without charging the batteries simultaneously.

Indicates inefficiency in the site's energy management in hybrid sites. In this case, the generator could charge the battery, and once the charging was complete, the battery could be used as the power source to save fuel and engine hours.

The total amount of time the following condition holds, only for hybrid sites:

Site_Global.Battery_Charging is False AND (Site_Global.Load_DG1_On_Load > 0 OR Site_Global.Load_DG2_On_Load > 0)

Generator On Load - No Battery Charge [Liter]

The total amount of fuel consumed when the generator operated and supplied power to the site without charging the batteries simultaneously.

same as above, but quantify the inefficiency as amount of fuel wasted.

The total amount of fuel used while the following condition holds, only for hybrid sites:

Site_Global.Battery_Charging is False AND (Site_Global.Load_DG1_On_Load > 0 OR Site_Global.Load_DG2_On_Load > 0).

Generators - Simultaneous Operation [Hours]

The total amount of time that both generators were running simultaneously.


Indicates inefficiency in the energy management of the site. A simultaneous operation of both generators was observed in this case.

A situation that should not occur since each generator should be able to provide energy on its own. A second generator is intended to act as a backup for the first generator.

The value calculated by adding the times when Site_Global.Generator_1_Running = True and  Site_Global.Generator_2_Running = True simultaneous