Table Item

Table Item


Configuration Tool

Tool Details


Configuration Tool

Tool Details



Each item can be renamed by the user


Will be the tables columns, multi-choice of fields from the report.

  • The column name will be exactly like the field name (the user can change the field's name when creating the report).

  • The table's pivot will be the first selected value that has "None" as it's summary type.

  • No. of Rows - number of roes displayed in the table. The table item has a limit of 150 rows.


  • Sort - the user can select the columns that can be used to sort the table.

  • If the user selects more than one column, the selected columns will be displayed in the drop down according to the order they were selected. Each column sorting will be applied on the results of the previous columns sorting.




The “Filter” can be used to filter out records (rows from the report the dashboard is based on), only for the specific data item. The filter will have predefined options based on the chosen field type:

  • Numeric - equal to, not equal to, greater than, less than, between

  • Textual - contains, not contains, starts with, end with.

The conditions can be concatenated by And, Or functions

Optional filters:

  • Days Before Today - In reference to the day the report is executed, if the value in the filter is zero, only results for that day will be displayed (from 00:00).

  • Days Before Report End - According to the range in which the report is conducted (for example, 1.10.2023 - 30.10.2023), if the filter value is zero, only the day before the final day (29.10.2023) will be displayed.

  • Days After Report Start - Considering the range in which the report is performed (1.10.2023 - 30.10.2023), if the value in the filter is zero, only the results for the first day (1.10.2023) from 00:00 to 23:59 will be displayed.


Summary Type

The aggregating mode of the values of the specific column. The value field type (numeric / textual / date) will affect the valid options for the summary type:

  • Numeric - Count distinct, count, Sum, Average, Min, Max

  • Textual - Count distinct, count

  • Date - Count distinct, count, Min, Max

Additionally, each type will have the option "None", resulting in no aggregation and the value being displayed as is.

The Summary Type configuration is available through each column's pencil icon.







Format Rule

Data patterns and trends can be highlighted with conditional formatting. The format rules type change according to the column value type:

  • Numeric - Color values based on their percentiles.

  • Textual - Color specific values. For example, Color the the text "On" in red, "Off" in green.

The user can choose how many ranges of colors will be available (2-10), and reverse the color pallet.

The Format Rule configuration is available through each column's pencil icon.

The list of the different values:










Data Export

It is possible to export the data displayed in a table item to an Excel spreadsheet. This action is only available in the "View" mode.