Card Item

Card Item


Configuration Tool

Tool Details


Configuration Tool

Tool Details



Each item can be renamed by the user


This feature allows you to add a description to a specific item. A description will appear below the item's data.



The field on which the card item will perform the calculation. It is possible to select only one value.





Summary type

The value will have different types of summary/total calculation.

  • The different types are: Count distinct, Sum, Average, Min, Max, None

  • The value field type (numeric/textual/ date) will affect the valid options for the summary type:

    • Numeric - Count distinct, Sum, Average, Min, Max

    • Textual - Count, Count distinct, None

      • It is possible to display a short text (1-2 words) on a card item. In order to display the text, it is necessary to select the textual field and select "None" in the summary type tab. Note that multiple text results cannot be displayed. Text will be displayed if the report includes only one text value as a result. 

    • Date - Count distinct, Min, Max, None

  • The user must choose a value before choosing a summary type (the summary type drop down will be disabled before choosing the value).



Format type

The format for the display of numeric values (not relevant for textual values). Format options are:

Number - Show the value as a number.

Percent - Multiply the value by 100 and show as percent. example: if value is 0.8, show 80%.

Currency – Show the value with the currency icon. example: if value is 0.8, show 0.8$. The currency will be displayed according to the currency defined for the organization, or the currency defined for the cluster (cluster definitions take precedence over organization definition).







  • The units of measure change according to the settings of each individual user in the My Users section

  • For each format type, the user can define precision - any number between 0-10.

  • When the format type is selected, the value returned from the report mechanism is not converted. It is only the mark that is added.

     Format types will not be validated by field types; that is, if a field is numeric, you can add any format type to it.


The “Filter” can be used to filter out records (rows from the report the dashboard is based on), only for the specific data item. The filter will have predefined options based on the chosen field type:

  • Numeric - equal to, not equal to, greater than, less than, between

  • Textual - contains, not contains, starts with, end with.

The conditions can be concatenated by And, Or functions

Optional filters:

  • Days Before Today - In reference to the day the report is executed, if the value in the filter is zero, only results for that day will be displayed (from 00:00).

  • Days Before Report End - According to the range in which the report is conducted (for example, 1.10.2023 - 30.10.2023), if the filter value is zero, only the day before the final day (29.10.2023) will be displayed.

  • Days After Report Start - Considering the range in which the report is performed (1.10.2023 - 30.10.2023), if the value in the filter is zero, only the results for the first day (1.10.2023) from 00:00 to 23:59 will be displayed.







The icon option allows you to clarify the meaning of the value shown in the card (if it is positive or negative).

In order to create an icon, select the type of icon (out of four options available) and select a card result condition from the following list:

  • Card Result Is Between

  • Card Result Equals

  • Does Not Equal

  • Is Less Than

  • Is Less Than Or Equal To

  • Is Greater Than

  • Is Greater Than Or Equal To