Galooli Mobile Application Settings Page
The settings section includes:
Logout button
Dimensions- Selection of preferred dimensions
Languages - Selection of the languages (8 different languages)
Version number
Push Notifications - Allows the user to disable and enable notifications to himself for all organizations he subscribes to.
The user will only receive notifications from the organization to which he is currently logged in.
When the application is closed, the user will continue to receive notifications - only for the organization he was logged into previously.
The user will stop receiving notifications when he logs out actively.
Clicking the notification will redirect the user to the main/default story of the unit.
The notification and event configuration is made through Galooli Manager application - Events
Users without authorization to view the units (according to his allowed clusters) will not receive notification of events occur.
All notification will be sent to the user according to his permission level:
Users without authorization to view the unit (according to his allowed clusters) will not receive notification of events occur.
User with Live Display Access = False, will not receive notifications (since they are not authorized to view the mobile app).