Battery Trips Card

Battery Trips Card

A Trips card illustrates the trips made by a single battery. The trip card provides information on each trip, including distance, start and end times, and more. Using the trip card, you can monitor and track the location of the battery during a specified period of time as well as investigate abnormal incidents detected in the dashboards or summary reports.

Main View

There is no main view of the trips card, but only a button that opens the expanded view


Expanded View

In the expanded view of trips, a list of trips will be displayed.

  • If there have been no trips in the last two days, a sub card with the text - "No trips in the last two days" will appear.

  • Each trip will be presented in a different sub card. The sub-card will include

    • The trip start time and date

    • Start Address

    • End Address

    • Trip distance

    • Trip duration

    • The route of the trip is shown on a map. Zooming in and out is possible on the map. In order to distinguish between the start address and the end address, different icons will be used (dotted icon for the start, location icon for the end).