Automations Log

Automations Log

In the Automation Log list, you will find general information about the executed logs that actually occurred or attempted to occur.

The logs that are displayed in the list are determined by the automation selected in the main "Automations Table".


Log data - The list will include logs relating to the same automation executed over the past week as well as their date, time, and status (success or failure). By double-clicking on a row in the table, you will be able to obtain more detailed information about the execution log if it contains execution output

Refresh - Updates the logs table

Maximize Log View - You will be able to obtain more detailed information about the logs list by clicking on the maximize icon. Below you will find more information about the “Maximized Log View”

ID - Identification number of the automation

Maximized Log View

You can obtain more detailed information about the logs via the maximized log view. There will be a new table displayed. The following titles will be included in the table:

  • Execution Start Time

  • Execution Result (success/failure)

  • Execution Output (if exists)

  • Duration

  • The number of units included in the automation

  • Time Range - By default, the time range will be the last week, so only automations from the last week will be displayed in the table. The user can change the time range and can select a time range of up to 3 months

Log Detailed View

Logs for automations with an execution output can be examined in more depth by double-clicking on a row in a table (in the maximized log view) or a list (in the minimized log view) to display a detailed report of the automation execution.

The report will include:

  • Time Stamp of the log

  • The message of the log