CE Transducer CE11 - DC Cable Installation
Before the cables are passed through the DC Meter ring please note the direction of the device is crucial; it will determine if the value of the current is positive or negative – please follow the below instructions carefully:
The DC meter has two sides:
Front View is marked with a dot (".").
Back View is marked with a plus (“+”). The DC cable goes through the plus side
Open the clamp, by turning the orange knob. Place the DC load cables through the opening, close the clamp, and lock it, by turning the knob to its original position.
2. Connect the voltage wires - ports 1 & 4 - to the positive “+” & negative (-48VDC from the site rectifier) “-” load voltage respectively.
Please note:
When the DC power is in the reverse direction:
It will present negative currents on the Power Center Status A field
It will not accumulate any kilowatt hours; it shall remain reading a constant figure example 1Kwh for a long time.
It is vital to verify the direction of the DC power, making sure that it is correct for the reasons mentioned above
Upon connection, verify that the currents are positive, the kilowatt hours are recorded, and no alarm appears on the Galooli Solution.
Do not leave the premises without verifying the proper direction