CE Transducer CE11 - ID Configuration

CE Transducer CE11 - ID Configuration

After everything is connected, we can start the process of changing the ID of the DC meter, according to the wiring diagram.

  1. Open PowerCenter.

  2. Open the “Active Device” drop-down menu, and select the “Power Device”.


  3. Open the “Connect Via” drop-down menu, and select the relevant Serial COM port.


  4. Navigate to the “Services Center” tab and select DC Meter (CE11) - Make sure that the DC Meter is the only device connected to the computer!


  5. The configuration wizard will pop up.


  6. The wizard default settings are Communication baud rate = 9600 and Device = ID 1.

  7. Once the system detects the device, values will appear on the right-hand side (Reading Results section).

  8. To change the device’s ID, click Next (the Next button will be available only when the device is detected by the system).

  9. Change the device’s ID according to the site's layout - this information will be available on the wiring diagram or direct instructions from the Galooli support team.
    For example:

  10. Disconnect the DC Meter from the RS485 converter