Galooli Pro Application

Galooli Pro Application

Galooli Pro application allows users to perform an advanced and comprehensive analysis of their asset's past and live behavior to generate intelligent management decisions for the future.

For this purpose, Galooli offers an advanced reporting system. Users can customize and build reports from scratch with additional filtering or use Galooli templates. Each report can be exported.

Each report displays data relevant to a selected organization, cluster, group, or unit. The user can select the desired asset from the organization’s hierarchy. Once selected, the report configured will run for the user's selection.

Note! Some of the options are accessible for units only and may be disabled for groups, clusters, and organizations.

Additionally, the Pro application includes a tool calledGalooli Automations Tool. The My Automations tool allows users to automate workflows by writing code that will be applied on their assets, and perform actions customized to their needs.



Reporting Asset Selection

Reports may be viewed by individual units, groups, clusters, or the entire organization.

In the organization window, you can select objects. By selecting the desired object, the reports will be displayed accordingly.

Due to the nature of the reports, detailed reports can only be generated for single units

Reports Interface and Description

The report interface contains the following:




Section Name



Section Name



All Units Search Bar

Provides the ability to search for specific entities within an organization.


Organization tree

Provides the ability to select specific clusters, groups, and units within the organization.


Templates for reports

You can access a wide range of reports without having to build them independently. Report Templates






The Action Options menu on the Favorites and Scheduled reports



Visual - The dashboard designer of the favorite reports (This feature is available only to organizations with a Gold license.)

Scheduled - The creation and editing of a favorite report/dashboard in order to make it a scheduled report/dashboard

Publish - Allowing users to share reports within the organization without the need to share the report via email.

Share - A method of sharing a favorite report

Rename - A way to rename the favorite report

Delete - Deleting a favorite report


My Reports

This is a list of the user's favorites and scheduled reports. The list also includes reports that have been converted into dashboards by the user.

My Reports


Create From Scratch

A list of the reports. There are 3 main reports groups (General, Fleet, and System). Each report will affect the report fields displayed in paragraph 7 and 10.


Selected fields

Selected fields for report generation.


Time range filtration

Allows the period selection


Clear All

Allows the user to clear all the fields that have been selected



+Add Field

Among the system parameters are a list of fields that can be selected to construct your report. Calculated fields allow you to create a different type of field called calculated that will calculate between other fields that you have selected.


SDK link

Provides an API call as an HTTP URL - includes the reports information.

Forms Gate Info

Forms Gate System Keys.


This feature is available only to organizations with a Gold license.

An option for converting a report into a dashboard. The report will be erased if it is not saved as a favorite report.


View Report

Provides a report within an independent tab - includes the reports information.


Save a Favorite Report

The user can save a report as a Favorite Report for easy access in the future.