Grid Performance Dashboard*

Grid Performance Dashboard*

The Grid Performance Dashboard provides users with a comprehensive overview of their sites’ grid availability and usage. The dashboard includes the data about the average availability time, about the grid expenses, and about measures if inefficient usage of the grid.  

Key Takeaways: 

  • Track the grid actual availability time (based on the real-time monitoring and not based on assumptions). 

  • Get the actual grid cost for the selected time range, which allows the user to compare the billing from the grid provider. 

  • Identify anomalies in the grid availability and usage time. 

  • Inefficient usage of grid – Galooli’s system measure and calculates the time when the grid was available, but the generator was running. The meaning is identifying redundant engine hours and fuel consumption that could have been saved by utilizing the grid. 

  • Highlight the sites with the highest inefficiency measure described above. The user can easily check those sites and act to prevent those events in the future, saving money, engine hours, and emissions.

No. of On-Grid Sites

The number of on-grid sites included in the dashboard.

Grid Energy Total Cost

The total grid expenses in the selected time range. The cost is calculated based on the total grid energy (kWh) that has been utilized by the sites, and on the grid cost per kWh, which can be configured by the user - https://galooli.atlassian.net/l/cp/KFmFnkbt.

If there is no cost data configured, the system use a default of 0.14$ per kWh. 

Avg. Grid Availability

Sites' average grid availability. Grid Availability is defined as the time at least one phase of the grid had voltage that exceeded the minimum grid voltage threshold (can be configured by the user, default value is 90V). The item is based on the summary field “Grid Availability (hours)” - https://galooli.atlassian.net/l/cp/Lk4an22y.

Avg. Grid Usage Time

Average grid usage time. The usage time of the grid is the time the grid supplied power to the site. The usage time doesn’t necessarily equal the availability time, because the grid can be available but other energy sources are supplying power to site (solar/generator/batteries). The item is based on the summary field “Grid Usage Time (hours)” - https://galooli.atlassian.net/l/cp/Lk4an22y .

Grid Availability and Usage Trend

The graph shows the availability and usage trends. The trend allows the user to detect anomalies that should be further analyzed, and to track progress/improvements towards his KPI’s. 

Generator Usage While Grid Available (Total Hours)

Galooli’s system measure and calculates the time when the grid was available, but the generator was running. The meaning is identifying redundant engine hours and fuel consumption that could have been saved by utilizing the grid. The item is based on the summary field “Generator on Load – Grid Available (Hours)” - https://galooli.atlassian.net/l/cp/fL93N5XF

Generator Usage While Grid Available (Total Fuel Cost)

The fuel expenses that could have been saved by using the grid instead of the generator. This another measurement of the inefficiency described above. The item is based on the summary field “Generator on Load – Grid Available (Liters/Gallons)” - https://galooli.atlassian.net/l/cp/fL93N5XF  

Sites With Highest Generator Hours While Grid Available

Top 5 sites with the highest amount of time of the inefficiency event described above. This allows the user to easily detect those sites, and act in order to prevent those cases in the future.