Power Center Elara Modbus Over TCP Device Configuration

Power Center Elara Modbus Over TCP Device Configuration

  • Device
    As a list of accessories and devices supported by the Elara, each part changes depending on the element selected in the part above it.

  • Force default Items
    After selecting the device, the default parameters will appear automatically.

  • Physical Device ID
    The ID that appears on the device itself.

  • Virtual Device ID
    A virtual number within the Galooli system identifies the device.

  • Linked Device
    A way to configure multiple devices with the same virtual ID.
    The goal is to build one device that will combine data from physically different components (for example, the battery voltage from one device that measures voltage and the battery state of charge from another device that calculates percentage).
    The "Linked Device" should be marked to identify the linked device. The device will be considered a primary unit if the "Linked Device" is not marked.

  • Device IP
    The IP address of the device itself

  • Device Port
    A port number is a way to identify a specific process to which an internet or other network message is to be forwarded when it arrives at a server

  • Start Delay [mS]

  • Query Delay [mS]

  • Query Timeout [mS]

  • Query Retries
    This parameter determines the number of times to remain in each register or object before concluding that communication is not normal. In general, the default value is 2 and this is the recommended value. it is recommended that you consult Galooli's support if you wish to change this value.

  • Connecting Timeout [mS]
    This parameter determines whether or not the communication status should be checked prior to initiating the information request, and for how long. The default value is 0 and this is the official recommendation.