Group: Site Global

Group: Site Global

Field Name

Field Meaning and Logic

Field Name

Field Meaning and Logic

Grid Power

Energy assets such as grids, generators, and batteries can be monitored through multiple data sources - meters, control panels, etc. A global field considers all data sources and prioritizes them. Those fields will be used in the system for the displays, source logic, and summary fields (and as a result - in the system dashboards).

DG 1/2 Load Power

Battery Power

Consumers Load Power

This field sums up all the power which is being consumed on site. The result value is the maximal value between the tenants' power to the rectifiers' power, added to the power of all the air conditioners on site.

Sources Load Power

This field sums up all the power produced by energy assets on-site - grid, generators, and solar.


Indicates whether the alarm has been configured or not

False - Not configured

True - Configured



Indicates if the site entrance gate/door is open

False - Entrance open

True - Entrance close






If Site_Global.Consumers_Load_Power < 50% of Consumers Load Average power than alarm active

These alerts are activated when the site/tenant's consumption falls below 50% of the average for the previous seven days (the average is updated every night according to the summary report).

Where the tenants have relocated or used more than one meter per tenant, the average is calculated according to the tenant, not the power meter, so:

  • There should be no effect if a tenant relocated

  • The test does not take place at the meter level if there is more than one meter for the same tenant - all alerts will be calculated according to the "total amount" so all meters of the tenant will indicate the same status


This digital alarm, will be activated if one of the components on the site (which is not an Elara gateway) is disconnected.




Solar Power

According to the following priority, we will take the result for the power field if the result is larger than 0:

  1. Meter_Solar.V_L1 * Meter_Solar.I_L1 + Meter_Solar.V_L2 * Meter_Solar.I_L2 + Meter_Solar.V_L3 * Meter_Solar.I_L3. Each phase is multiplied by power factor of 0.95, if AC_Meter is true.

  2. Sum of all Invetrers_solar power, which is calculated as the sum of all modules power: Inverter_X.Solar_Current_1..4 * Inverter_X.Solar_Voltage_1..4

  3. Sum of Rectifier_1..5.Solar_Power


Is Planned Grid Fail

An indication whether the grid failure is planned in accordance with the Load Shedding schedule configurations. As the data is updated only when the unit transmits data (the frequency varies depending on the organization), you must take this into account and understand the implications this has for the historical logs.

Alarm Galooli Generator X High Load

This alarm will activate if: Site Global Generator X Load Power/(0.8* Generator X KVA * 1000) > 0.8, AND KVA > 0

Alarm Galooli Generator X Very High Load

This alarm will activate if: Site Global Generator X Load Power/(0.8* Generator X KVA * 1000) > 0.9, AND KVA > 0