Power Center Elara Global Configuration

Power Center Elara Global Configuration

The Elara Global Configuration tab allows the user to make changes and adjustments to the Elara.

  • Server URL
    The address of the Galooli Server for the purpose of transferring data. This information can be found in the technical booklet of the organization.

  • Network APN

    The following is a list of all the global/local SIM cards that Galooli or other local carriers offer. There will be a different APN for each local carrier.

    SIM card address:

    • Telefónica Digital Solutions - M2M & IoT (telefonica)

    • internet.gma.iot (t-mobile)

    • bicsapn (BICS)

  • Network User
    There are some cellular operators that require a username for each SIM card. In the absence of a mention, move on.

  • Network Password
    There are some cellular operators that require a password for each SIM card. In the absence of a mention, move on.

  • Report Interval [Sec]
    The frequency at which Elara transmits data to the server. There is a minimum of 6 seconds and a maximum of 1440 seconds. The default is 60 seconds.

  • Acc. Sensitivity
    There are three categories of Elara's sensitivity to vibrations and movements: Low, Medium, and High.
    Low sensitivity indicates that the Elara is less sensitive to movements, while high sensitivity indicates the opposite.


  • Network Mask/Network Gateway/Elara IP
    It is required when using ethernet devices connected to the Elara. To communicate with the Elara, all devices connected to it must be within its within the same configured network range.

  • Input -1-5 mode
    Elara's physical connection to the various sensors, There are two different connections:

    • Analog - Each sensor whose output is a voltage is connected to Elara in this manner

    • Counter - Sensors whose output is a pulse are connected to Elara in the following manner


  • Output Global Timeout [Sec]
    With the Output Global Timeout parameter, you can specify how long the Elara will wait after the output activation command has been triggered before it deactivates the output. The timeout can be used to specify the duration of the relay activation and can be set to a variety of values.

    As an example:
    When the relay is used to control a motor, the output timeout can be set to keep the motor running for a certain period of time before turning it off.

  • Port-1&2 Modes
    Determining the type of RS485 communication between the computer, Elara, and other RS485 sensors.
    The different modes are:

    • Host - Used to connect RS485 sensors and third-party devices

    • Terminal - Galooli's internal use only

    • Binary - Used to connect Galooli gateways and software such as EX20 and Power Center

    • Gateway - Galooli's internal use

      By default, port 2 mode is used as "binary”.

  • Port-1&2 Default Baudrates
    There are different frequencies of the units that need to be set properly and appropriately.
    The different baudrates are:

    • 2400

    • 4800

    • 9600

    • 14400

    • 19200

    • 38400

    • 57600

    • 115200

      The default baudrates in port 1&2 are usually 19200

  • Keep Connection LOG
    Upon checking, the Elara modem log will be saved (communication log and not device operational log). The Elara modem log will be saved on the Elara internal SD card (SYS >> Modem).
    Additionally, you can verify that the modem log saving is active via the "Configuration" tab >> “Network”.


To be used only when necessary to investigate communication/network issues.

  • LTE Only Mode
    When checked, this feature ensures that the Elara will only work with 4G cellular networks

  • IPV6 Mode
    If Elara must receive an IP address under IPV6 rather than IPV4. It is necessary to mark the IPV6 mode parameter. There is no need to use it unless there is a special requirement.

  • Extended Report Retries
    By default, the Elara gateway transmits a message and repeats it up to five times if the server does not confirm that the message has been received correctly. In some geographical locations, this can be due to network behavior or other network failures. After 5 attempts the message will be erased and Elara gateway will continue to the next message.

    When such circumstances arise, it is possible for Elara to continue to send a message up to 250 times before deleting it.

    It is not recommended to use this parameter. When there is a known problem with the SIM's reception, data usage may increase significantly.

  • Report Location (GPS)
    As soon as the parameter is set, the Elara will report GPS data as part of the standard status message.

    This option should only be used when necessary due to the following reasons:

    • Increasing the amount of data transmitted over the network.

    • There may be jittering at the site location as a result.

      Manual GPS location requests can still be made using the "Information" button. When a manual request is made, the device location is forcibly set to the request result, as opposed to the status message, which is based on 'stationary logic'.

  • CAN Silent Mode
    In this mode, Elara CAN prevents data from being sent to the engine control unit, whether it is a direct connection to the engine or a connection to the generator panel.

    This mode can therefore be activated if the user wishes to have the unit only "listen" to the communication line.

    As this mode may affect the connectivity between the CAN and the unit, it is not Galooli default.

  • Use Google’s DNS Server
    An option to use Google's DNS servers (, instead of the cellular network's default servers. 

    This function should not be used unless there is an extremely compelling reason to do so (for example, an access point that does not maintain a DNS server properly).