Reports Tab

Reports Tab

The reports tab allows users to perform an advanced and comprehensive analysis of their fleet organization past and live behavior to generate intelligent management decisions for the future.

The use of the reports is directly related to the use of the organizational tree that appears to the left of the reports tab. When you click on a particular vehicle or cluster/group in the organizational tree, the report will be related to that choice.

Interface Mapping of the Report Tab





Organization Tree

Select for which entity to generate a report:

  • Entire Organization

  • Specific Cluster

  • Specific Group

  • Specific Unit




Reports List

Select to define the type of report:

  • Live Overview

  • Trips

  • Driver Behavior

  • Fuel

  • Efficiency

  • Maintenance


Favorite Reports

Users' favorite reports that have been created via the Pro platform


Report Graph

Displays legends, pie charts and visual graph data


Data Report

Displays detailed filterable data tables


 Reports List

Live Overview

The Live Overview Report provides the user with essential information concerning the organization’s vehicle fleet, breaking down into three main categories:

  • Status

  • Odometer

  • Fuel Level

Each category or pie chart is equipped with legends to correctly scale the output, applying color to highlight and visualize each group's differences.

Status Graph:

Status breaks down the organization units according to three statuses

  1. ON = The vehicle’s engine is on and running

  2. Off = The vehicle’s engine is off and is stationary

  3. Idle = The vehicle’s engine is on but it is not moving for more than a defined amount of time.

  4. Disconnected = The vehicle is disconnected and is unable to transmute/receive info via cellular communication


Note that when hovering over each percentage indication a pop-up box will appear displaying an absolute number of vehicles

Odometer Graph:

According to the accompanying figure, the odometer graph breaks down the organization’s fleet according to their odometer value, dividing the vehicles into a set number of groups.

Fuel Status Graph:

As displayed in the figure below, the fuel level graph breaks down the organization’s fleet according to their current fuel capacity value, dividing the vehicles into a set number of groups.

  • The percentage number of vehicles within the selected entity, which contain 0% → 25% fuel capacity

  • The percentage number of vehicles within the selected entity, which contain 25% → 50% fuel capacity

  • The percentage number of vehicles within the selected entity, which contain 50% → 90% fuel capacity

  • The percentage number of vehicles within the selected entity, which contain 90%+ fuel capacity

Note that the percentage values demonstrate each vehicle's fuel volume.

 Detailed Data Table:

As with any report, a focused, detailed data table will be available to the user for additional examination, providing information on the individual vehicle level.

The following filterable properties are available in the table





Vehicle name

The vehicle’s name defined by the manager

Asset type

The asset type of the vehicle - Car, Boat, Truck etc..

Asset model

The asset type of the model - Mazda, Toyota etc..





The current status mode of the vehicle:

  • On Mode

  • Moving Mode

  • Off Mode

  • Immobilized Mode

  • No GPS Mode

  • Disconnected Mode

  • Idle Mode

Time in status (h)

Last timestamp data was received from the vehicle

Odometer (km)

Last odometer reading from the vehicle

Battery Voltage

Last External Battery voltage reading from the vehicle


Last Fuel Level reading from the vehicle

Fuel capacity

Last Fuel Level reading from the vehicle in percentage


What duration did the vehicle remain in this status.

Note that you may export the data table to an Excel file by clicking the appropriate controller


The Trip Reports provides the user with essential information concerning different trips of the various vehicles within the organization, breaking down to two main categories:

  • Summary

  • Data Table

The Summary section is comprised of 6 dashboards and two graphs:


Dashboard Property Name


Dashboard Property Name


No. of trips

The aggregated number of trips made by the selected entity during the report’s generation period

Active Vehicles

The number of working vehicles during the report’s generation period

Distance (Km)

The aggregated amount of distance traveled by the selected entity during the report’s generation period

Avg. Trip Distance

The average trip distance of all working vehicles during the report’s generation period

Total Duration [h]

The aggregated trip duration of the selected entity during the report’s generation period

Avg. Trip Duration

The average trip distance of all working vehicles during the report’s generation period

Most Active vehicles Pie Chart:

The pie chart provides percentage & absolute information, showing which vehicles drove the greatest distances during the report’s generation period.

Detailed Data Table:

As with any report, a narrowed-down, detailed data table will be available to the user for additional scrutiny, providing information on the individual unit level.

The following filterable properties are available in the table






The unit’s name is defined by the manager

Start time

Initial timestamp of the trip’s segment

End time

The final timestamp of the trip’s segment

Start address

Initial address of the trip segment

End address

The final address of trip segment

Trip duration (h)

The time length of the trip segment

Idle time (h)

The amount of time the vehicle was idling

Distance (km)

The distance length of the trip segment

Max speed

The maximum speed recorded during the trip segment

Driver Behavior

The Driver Behavior Report provides the user with essential insights concerning the capability and professionalism of the different drivers within the organization, breaking down to two main categories:

  • Summary

    • Dashboards

    • Graphs

  • Data Table

The Summary section comprises of 6 dashboards and two graphs:


Dashboard Property Name


Dashboard Property Name


Driving Score

The aggregated score of drivers according to the selected entity during the report’s generation period

Active Vehicles

Vehicles that drove over one mile/km during the report’s time period.3


Distance (km)

The aggregated amount of mileage done by the drivers according to the selected entity during the report’s generation period

Driving Duration (h)

The aggregated amount of driving hours done by the selected entity during the report’s generation period

Driver behavior events per 100 Km


The average amount of events associated to the drivers during the report’s generation period per every 100 KM


The number of trips conducted by the drivers, according to the selected entity, during the report’s generation period

Distance Pie Chart:

The pie chart provides percentage & absolute event statistics done by the selected entity and is broken down into four types during the report’s generation period.

Detailed Data Table:

As with any report, a focused, detailed data table will be available to the user for additional examination, providing information on the individual vehicle level.

The following filterable properties are available in the table






The unit’s given name by the manager

Driving score


Distance travelled (km)


Driving time (h)




Total speeding events


Avg. speeding events


Max Speed


Over speeding time


Total acc events


Avg. acc events


Total ADAS events


Avg. ADAS events



The Fuel Report provides the user with essential data concerning fuel consumption on the organizational scale breaking down to two main categories:

  • Summary

    • Dashboards

    • Graphs

  • Data Table

The Summary section comprises of 6 dashboards and two graphs:


Dashboard Property Name


Dashboard Property Name


Vehicles with fuel data

Number of vehicles that sent fuel data during report time period and drove over 1 mile/km

Distance (km)

Total distance driven by vehicles with fuel data

Fuel cost ($)

Total fuel cost for fuel consumed during report time period

Average fuel cost per km

Average fuel cost per mile/km for valid vehicles

Fuel consumed (Liter)


Fuel consumption rate (km/Liter)

Average fuel consumption rate mile/km/Liter

Refuel amount (Liter)

Amount of fuel (in liters) that the fleet refueled

Fuel drops(Liters)

Total fuel that was dropped/stolen

Fuel Consumption Pie Chart:

The pie chart provides percentage & absolute fuel consumption information, divided into two categories:

  • Normal Consumption - Consumption within expected parameters

  • Idle Consumption - considered as irregular utilization of fuel

Done by the selected entity, during the report’s generation period


Detailed Data Table

As with any report, a focused, detailed data table will be available to the user for additional scrutiny, providing information on the individual unit level.

The following filterable properties are available in the table:






The unit’s given name by the manager

Fuel consumption

The amount of fuel which was consumed by the vehicle

Distance travelled (km)

The distance traveled by the vehicle

Fuel consumption rate

 The fuel rate consumption of the vehicle

Fuel cost ($)

 The amount of money spent on the consumed fuel

Fuel cost rate (Tot. Fuel cost/Tot. Distance)

 Fuel cost / Tot. Distance


 The amount of refuels that took place during time period

Refuel amount

 The amount of fuel that was refueled in liters

Fuel drops

 The amount of fuel drops (fuel theft or leakage) during time period

Fuel drops amount

 The amount of fuel that was dropped in liters



Efficiency report plays an essential role in the driver’s work efficiency, meaning producing the most output while minimizing resources. Users can follow vital inputs concerning the operational efficiency of the selected entity on the organizational scale, breaking it down into two main categories:

  • Summary

    • Dashboards

    • Graphs

  • Data Table

The Summary section is comprised of eight dashboards and two graphs:


Dashboard Property Name


Dashboard Property Name


Active vehicles

Number of vehicles that sent fuel data during the report period and drove over 1km

Distance (Km)

Total distance drove by vehicles with fuel data

Utilization score

AI calculated average utilization score for working vehicles

Discipline score

AI calculated average discipline score for working vehicles

Driving time (h)

Total hours of drive

Net driving time ( % )

Percentage drive out of working time - the division between [drive time] / [working time]

Idle time (h)

Total hours of idle mode

Net idle time ( % )

Percentage idle out of driving time - the division between [idle time] / [driving time]

Status modes Pie Chart:

The pie chart provides percentage & absolute information with regards to the amount of time the vehicles lingered in their respective status, and these statuses are divided into four types:

  • Driving = ignition on and moving

  • Off = ignition off

  • Idle = ignition on yet idling

  • Disconnected = vehicle not connected to server

Carried out by the selected entity, during the report’s generation period


Detailed Data Table

As with any report, a drill down detailed data table will be available to the user for additional scrutiny, providing information on the individual unit level.

The following filterable properties are available in the table






The unit’s name defined by the manager

Utilization Score

AI calculated average utilization score for working vehicles
0 → 100

Distance travelled (km)

Total distance drove by vehicle in km

Discipline score

AI calculated average discipline score for working vehicles

Driving time (h)

Total hours of drive

Driving time percent

Percentage drive out of working time - the division between [drive time] / [working time]

Idle time (h)

Total hours of Idle drive

Idle time percent

Percentage idle out of driving time - the division between [idle time] / [driving time]



This maintenance displays real-time data and doesn't require a date selection.

The maintenance dashboards help to track and monitor maintenance events to be conducted on the vehicle. This includes periodic maintenance and warranty reminders. Proper vehicle maintenance is key to ensuring a longer vehicle lifespan and overall health thus cutting operational costs that are related to mechanical failure. The dashboard provides an overview of all vehicles which passed their periodic maintenance and a reminder for vehicles that have yet to do so.

Users can follow vital inputs concerning the operational efficiency of the selected entity on the organizational scale, breaking it down into two main categories:

  • Pie Charts

  • Data Table

The Summary section is comprised of 3 Pie Charts:

Pie Charts

Pie Property Name


Pie Property Name


Starter battery health check


Maintenance check


Yearly vehicle check


Detailed Data Table

As with any report, a drill down detailed data table will be available to the user for additional scrutiny, providing information on the individual unit level.

The following filterable properties are available in the table





Unit name

The unit’s name defined by the user

Odometer (Km)


Next Maintenance check- odometer


Next Maintenance check- time interval


Next yearly vehicle check


Starter battery voltage


Total missed checks