Power Live Overview

Power Live Overview

The power live overview is designed to accommodate all site parameters in one place. The overview contains several views that determine how the data is displayed.

The live mode is directly related to the organizational tree displayed to the left of the live display screen. When you click on a particular asset in the organizational tree, the data that appears on the live screen will be determined by the type of asset selected.

Organization/Cluster/Group View


Unit View


Switching Between Galooli Applications

Many Galooli users use multiple applications, and their workflow involves moving between the applications constantly.

You will find tree dots in the organization tree that will allow you to:

  • Open In Pro - This will open the Pro application in a new tab, and the specific unit will be automatically marked in the organization tree.

  • Open In My Units - This will open the Manager application >> My units tool, in a new tab, and the specific unit will be automatically marked in the organization tree