IOT Meters Card

IOT Meters Card

The Meters Card illustrates how the heat and gas meters are used on the site. The card will appear only if at least one heat/gas meter is configured.

Main View

  • Total Gas Volume - Total volume of all gas meters monitored by the sensor.

  • Total Heat Power - The sum of the power (W) read from the meters (Heat_Meter.Meter_1..X_Power).

  • Max Temp Difference - The maximum difference between the flow and return temperatures from the connected meters (Meter_1..X_Temperature Difference).

Disconnected device - Appear if at least one meter is disconnected.

Alarms - If there is at least one active alarm, the alarms button will appear. The alarms list of the object includes only Meter_1..X_Disconnected.


Expanded View

Each sub-card card will present a different meter. The sub-card will appear if Meter_X_Configured is True.

Heat Meter X

  • Flow Temperature - Meter_X_Flow_Temperature.

  • Return Temperature - Meter_X_Return_Temperature.

  • Temperature Difference - Meter_X_Temperature Difference. This is the difference between the flow temperature and the return temperature.

  • Volume Flow (m3/h) - Meter_X_Flow.

  • Power (W) - Meter_X_Power.

  • Total kWh - Meter_X_Total_Energy.


Gas Meter X

Total Volume of the specific gas for a specific meter.