Elara Quality Standards & Certifications

Elara Quality Standards & Certifications



IEC 62368

The hazard-based product-safety standard for ICT and AV equipment



IEC 62368

The hazard-based product-safety standard for ICT and AV equipment


Standard of manufacturer or importer that affirms the good's conformity with European health, safety, and environmental protection standards

Applicable for Elara Smart Controller 2022 [GLOBAL]



The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) certification is a type of product certification for electronic and electrical goods that are manufactured or sold in the United States


The federal government department mandated to increase global trade and build a fair competitive marketplace through support for scientific research, setting telecommunications policy and other activities


IEC 6100-4-5

The hazard-based product-safety standard for ICT and AV equipment



The compliance means that a product has been tested for 10 banned substances by an independent authority and that the tests confirmed levels of the substances below the RoHS threshold