Elara Troubleshooting

Elara Troubleshooting


How to Detect the Fault?

Elara tray connection troubleshooting steps

Elara's direct connection troubleshooting steps

How to Detect the Fault?

Elara tray connection troubleshooting steps

Elara's direct connection troubleshooting steps

Status 1 LED does not blink/solid red
or you are unable to connect to the unit on the PC

Elara does not receive any power when connected to a power sourceĀ 
  1. First thing, check the power source. Ensure the terminations of the power cable are correct and the breaker is switched ON.


2. If DC to DC converter is present, confirm that the DC-DC converter output voltage is within range (12v DC). If there is no output voltage from the DC-DC converter AND there is input to the converter, replace the DC-to-DC converter with a functional one.

3. Confirm (on Pin 1 & 2) that Elara is receiving the required input voltage from the power source (Normally around 12v DC). If not, check the cabling between the converter & the Elara.


4. Confirm that Elara PCBs are arranged properly & all the pins are aligned. Rearrange the PCBs if needed.

  1. Make sure the power supply input has 48 volts of DC.

  2. Ensure that the cable is properly connected on the Elara side.

3. Confirm that Elara PCBs are arranged properly & all the pins are aligned. Rearrange the PCBs if needed.

The status 2 LED is blinking rapidly/slowly red
or red error in the Power Center





  1. Click "Write Configuration" and check if the error has been resolved. Proceed to the next step if this action does not resolve the problem.

  2. Make sure that the SD card is properly inserted. Push the SD card to release and push it again to lock - 1. Power & Connectivity (Cabinet Tray/Box)archived. Proceed to the next step if this action does not resolve the problem.

  3. Take out the SD card and Insert it into an SD card reader connected to a computer. Check to see if there is a file named "uupd" on the SD card, if so, proceed to the next step.

  4. The SD card should be formatted. As soon as the format process is complete, connect the SD card to the Elara, connect to the Power Center, and click the "Wright Configuration" button. Proceed to the next step if this action does not resolve the problem.

  5. The SD card should be replaced.

COM LED is blinking redĀ 
or the connection status will be stuck at a certain point

  1. Verify that the Network APN is correct.

  2. Verify that the server URL is correct.

  3. Check with the technical support team that the SIM card has been activated.

  4. If you are using a local SIM card, ensure it is an internet-ready SIM card. Subscribe to an active data package or insert an internet-ready SIM card.

  5. Make sure the SIM card you are using is active and country-profiled if you are using a roaming SIM card. Contact the service provider for more information.

  6. Confirm that the server URL/IP address is whitelisted for the SIM if there are restrictions for RMS SIMs in your country. Consult your local SIM provider for more information.

COM LEDĀ is Green and Blinking Slow





  1. Confirm the modem is properly connected. If not unscrew the modem connector and properly screw it back in a clockwise direction.

  2. Reposition the modem, and try multiple locations to improve the network reception. Also, ensure crosslink foam is intact

  3. If you are using a local SIM card, confirm there is an internet-ready SIM card present.

  4. Remove the SD card from the Elara and verify that the Elara connection works. If it does, insert the SD card into the SD card reader and format it. As soon as the format process is complete, connect the SD card to the Elara, connect to the Power Center, and click the "Wright Configuration" button. Proceed to the next step if this action does not resolve the problem.

  5. The SD card should be replaced.

Wrong time stamp

  1. Ensure the GPS time stamp is accurate, if it is not, proceed to the next step

  2. Enhance the connection between the Elara and the antenna

Unable To Upgrade the Elara Via Serial Connection

A communication error occurred when trying to upgrade the gateway hardware version via the Power Center/Configuration Center when the gateway was connected serially.

  1. Ensure that the cables between the RS485 USB converter and the gateway are properly connected. It is recommended to use the Galooli RS485 To USB Converter.

  2. Upon checking the physical connection, connect the USB converter to the computer and close and reopen the Power Center/Configuration Center.

  3. Confirm that the configuration files in the SD card are in the proper order (Expected Files: ELARA.GIB and a folder called "VERSIONS" containing the ELARA.BIN file only). It is recommended to delete all existing files & recopy new Elara files to the SD card. https://galooli.atlassian.net/l/cp/2wYS19PJ
    *The following step is suitable for OTA connections as well.

  4. Please try updating the version again. If you are unable to update the version, try updating to the version prior to the last version to determine if the problem lies with the version itself rather than with the serial connection.

    1. If you are not able to update any version, then the problem lies with the serial connection. Try replacing the RS485 USB converter and upgrading the version again.

    2. If you were able to update to more earlier version, then there is a problem with the latest version and therefore a ticket should be submitted to the Galooli support team. In the ticket, please specify the issue and the tests performed thus far. Galooli Support

At least one of the MODBUS devices is connected, but others are disconnected

  1. Confirm the Elara is on the latest version, if not, upgrade the Elara Unit

  2. Confirm the ID and Baudrate configured on the device are correct and match the ID and baud rate assigned on the power center. if not log in to the device and configure the correct ID and baud rate

  3. If the device uses different physical and virtual IDs, confirm both IDs are correctly configured. Refer to respective device documentation on the knowledge portal

  4. If there are multiple hardware or software versions of the same device, confirm the right one is selected on the power center. Check the device tag or log in to the physical device to confirm the versions

  5. Confirm the Device power and communication cable are properly terminated, Rewire the device according to specifications. Refer to respective device documentation on the knowledge portal

  6. Confirm Device is configured on the Port-1 Device section. Reconfigure the device as a Port-1 device

All MODBUS devices are is disconnected

  1. Confirm the RS485 connection between the terminal block and the Elara RS485 green connector. Check continuity between the RS485 terminal blocks and Elara RS485 Port-1 pins (Do same for A & B).

  2. Check the ā€œServer URLā€, and ā€œNetwork APNā€ and the modes in both Port 1+2 (Port 1 must be the host and Port 2 binary).

Elara Configuration is successful on the Power center, all LEDs are green, but not reporting on Galooli Solution (Pro)

  1. Confirm the Unit ID on the Power Center matches the Unit ID on the Elara labels. If not, replace the Elara and sent the Elara with the wrong ID for reconfiguration of the ID

  2. If the Elara is installed the same day, you may use the clear Internal log button on the power center. Note that data stored locally in the unit will be lost.

    3. Make sure that the time stamp is accurate. Otherwise, follow the troubleshooting steps for the wrong timestamp

There is no voltage on input 5 on the Elara
or the hatch is open on Galooli Solution (Panorama)

  1. Ensure that the two cables connected to the sensor in the Tray/Metal Box are secured on both sides.


