CBEIL PTZ Network Camera

CBEIL PTZ Network Camera

Network camera uses smart IR technology, and intelligent image analysis techniques.


Manufacturer's website - http://www.cbeil.com/Content/462208.html


Manufacturer PN.

Galooli PN.


Manufacturer PN.

Galooli PN.




Manufacturer Technical Specification and Datasheet

Installation and Manufacturer Internal Configuration

  1. Connect the camera to a 12V power source using one of the following options:

Power Adapter (included with the camera)



Input Power Source Connection

  1. Connect the communication (Ethernet) cable between the camera and your computer.

  2. Open any internet browser and enter the unique IP address provided in the camera's documentation. Then, enter the username and password included in the camera's documentation and click “Login”

If all parameters are entered accurately, the camera's default parameters will be displayed. If you wish to modify any parameters, ensure you save the changes at the end. However, no changes are required on Galooli's side.

Login Process

Camera Default Parameters


  1. Proceed to the next section to complete the configuration in the Galooli Solution.

Galooli Configuration

Open the Galooli Solution >> Manager Applications >> My units >> Choose the relevant site >> Configuration tab >> Setups >> Video Streamer >> Enter the following address according to the details of the relevant camera:


The camera name, username, password, and IP address should be updated according to the information provided with the camera.

Save the changes.

To view the video stream, please refer to the following document and follow the provided instructions. https://galooli.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AgAP1