DSE857 Adapter - Device Configuration

DSE857 Adapter - Device Configuration

  1. Create an account on the DeepSea website - https://www.deepseaelectronics.com/account/login

  2. Download the DSE configuration suite.


3. Install the DSE configuration suite. As part of the installation process, you must enter a username and password on the DeepSea website, which means that you must first register on the website.

4. During installation, select all the modules/options:

5. Open the DSE configuration suite.

6. Please click on the "85x" and then on the most recent version.

7. Click on “Connect via” and select “USB Serial Port (Com XXX)

The serial port is dependent on the port that your PC assigns to your RS485-USB converter at the time of driver installation.

8. Select the “Alarm” >> “Serial Settings”:

  • Check the “Enable 485

  • Set “Slave ID” to “10”

  • Set “Baud Rate” to “19200”

9. At “RS485 Port Configuration”:

  • Set “Baud Rate” to “19200”

  • Set “857 Configuration Slave ID” to “80”

  • Set “Modbus Passthrough Slave ID” to “10”

10. Click on “Write to Module” in order to write the new configuration to the DSE857 adapter.

11. Disconnect the 12V power from the DSE857 adapter for a few seconds to save the new configuration.

12. Next step - https://galooli.atlassian.net/l/cp/vFsdvTDr