DeepSea (DSE) General Configuration Process

DeepSea (DSE) General Configuration Process

There are some DSE models that require a special adapter in order to connect to the Galooli gateway. Follow the next link to determine if your model requires this adapter - https://galooli.atlassian.net/l/cp/jN7a0Gt0

Power Center Configuration

  1. Open the Power Center.

  2. Open the “Active Device” drop-down menu, and select “Elara”.

  3. Open the “Connected Via” drop-down menu, and select “Serial COM X

  4. Navigate to the “Elara” tab.


  5. Navigate to the “Configuration” tab.

  6. Click the “Read Configuration” button.


    7. In the “Configure” tab click the “Add Port 1 Device”.

    8. The “Elara – Modbus Device Configuration” window will pop up, select the “Generator” device and the relevant module of the DSE controller and the phase.

    Ensure that the physical device ID is - 10 and the baudrate is 19200.

    Apply the changes.


    9. Click the “Write Configuration” button to save the changes.


    10. Click the “Reset” button.

    11. Navigate to the “Status” tab to view the status of the DG controller.


Galooli Solution Configuration

  1. Open the Galooli Solution

  2. Select the “Manager” Solution >> “My Units” menu

  3. Click on the relevant unit in the organization tree

  4. Select the “Configuration” tab >> “Device Configuration” sub-tab

  5. Select the “Section: Generators” >> check the “DG X” relevant panel