Events And Notifications
Name of the lesson
Events And Notifications
Purpose of the lesson
The purpose of the lesson is to get acquainted with the Galooli events and notifications tools and to command and control the tools
Target Audience
End-users of the system such as service providers, back-office, organization managers, etc.
What to expect at the end of the lesson
The user will acknowledge: Events creation/editing, notification creation/editing, dashboards, and reports related to the events
It is highly recommended to go through the contents in the order in which they appear.
What is the purpose of system events?
Events are occurrences detected by the server and can trigger alerts/notifications, or other actions notifying the user the event occurred. There is a large range of events in the system, from different power events to smoke and vibration events. Their purpose is to alert the user in real-time of any pre-determined change in the system
Read more: Events
How do I create/edit events?
Events can be created for each asset in the system, such as gateways and sensors at a telecom site, fleet units, and battery units
The creation/editing of events introduces a variety of different configurations for the user but at the same time simple to operate
Read more: Events
How do I create/edit notifications?
Naturally, after create an event, you should consider creating notifications alerts. The notifications can be sent via SMS, Email, or as a popup to single or multiple recipients.
The notifications can be related to a specific unit or a group/cluster
Where can I see all the triggered events?
There is an event table that displays the data about all the triggered events.
The information presented can be of great help in managing a malfunction in real-time.
Which dashboards are related to my events?
There is a wide range of dashboards related to events. The dashboards include a lot of helpful information such as events distribution by name, amount, and daily average.