What are the customizable features Galooli Solution offers?

What are the customizable features Galooli Solution offers?

The Galooli Solution offers a range of customizable features and parameters tailored to suit individual user preferences and organizational needs. These customizations include:

Organization Name and Logo

Determines the appearance of the login view within the system, allowing organizations to showcase their branding.

Preferences | My Branding

Customized Notifications


Using Events the user can define personalized conditions and thresholds to receive notifications from the system. Events  

More Complex events and conditions can be configured using Galooli scripting tool.
Galooli Automations Tool

Email Server

Set the sender’s email addresses for automated mail notifications received from the system.

Preferences | My Notification Preferences

SMS Name and Title

Set the name and title for SMS notifications received from the system.
Preferences | My Notification Preferences


Customizes the dimensions of data used in notifications.
Preferences | My Dimensions

Emails Content

Define the title and content for automated emails received from the system. This can be done using Galooli scripting tool. Galooli Automations Tool

User Permissions

Customize user authorization and access permissions, allowing tailored restrictions to system applications. Permission Management

Dimensions Configuration

Set parameters for user-specific dimensions, affecting data conversion and the units displayed.

My Users | Preferences details


KPI fields and thresholds that affect system analysis dashboards, and alarms generated in the system. Those alarms van be used for customizing events and NOC alarms.


Customized Reports

Empowers users to create personalized sets of favorite reports using all available fields within the system.

My Reports

Customized Dashboards (Dashboard Designer)

Users can visualize reports and design dashboards based on their preferences and requirements.

My Dashboards Designer (Visual)

Customized Scripting and Control Tools

Enables the creation of tailored workflows for issuing commands to on-site devices.

Galooli Automations Tool