Galooli Mobile App 11/6/2023

Galooli Mobile App 11/6/2023

The latest version update of the Mobile App includes features that reflect an open dialogue with our customers and Galooli’s desire to facilitate and improve system usage. This article contains information about the main features.

  • Screen Timeout
    A new feature has been added to the upcoming version of the mobile app. If the app is open on the screen (not in the background), the screen will not turn off.


  • System Definition to "Unknown" Power Source
    Energy sources that were previously displayed as "Unknown" will now be displayed as "Other". Even though it is a visual change, it is important to emphasize that "Other" means that according to Galooli's logic, the behavior cannot be attributed to any specific source.

    However, that does not mean that we are unaware of the source.

    The display change will be reflected in the Site Status Story.