Supported Models & Communication Methods
Supported Models | Communication Methods | Read/Write Community |
Orion |
| Read - public Write - private |
Orion touch | ||
Orion C |
PSC 3_A5 | ||
PSC3 |
Network Configuration for ETHERNET/SNMP connection
Device IP | |
Subnet mask | |
Gateway | |
Host IP (Web/Elara configuration) | |
Device Baudrate | 19200 |
Smart Batteries Query
“Amogreentech” Smart Batteries
RS485 Wiring Diagram
ETHERNET/SNMP Device Configuration
RS485 Device Configuration
Implementing SNMP Integration
Ensure that the SNMP Protocol is active. if not follow the next step.
Get the MAC address of the rectifier controller for which you are enabling SNMP functionality. You can find the MAC Address on the rectifier controller or you can log into the rectifier and access it.
When the Rectifier controller is out of its slot
If you logged on to the rectifier
Please share the MAC address you obtained in the previous step with the Delta team in order to obtain the license key of the rectifier.
Once the license key has been obtained, return to the rectifier platform and locate the location for entering the key.
Enter the license key and accept the changes.
Once the license key has been entered, enable the SNMP protocol.
Supported Parameters (SNMP)
Power Center Parameters | System Parameters | Remarks |
Total_Output_KWH | Rectifier_X.Total Load Energy [KWH] |
Solar_KWH | Rectifier_X.Solar_Total_Power [KWH] |
Solar_W | Rectifier_X.Solar_Power [W] |
Voltage | Rectifier_X.U_System [V] |
Current | Rectifier_X.I_Load |
Rectifier_Current | Rectifier_X.I_Rectifier |
Battery_Current | Rectifier_X.I_Battery |
Battery_SOC_Percentage | Rectifier_X.State_Of_Charge |
Battery_Temperature | Rectifier_X.Temperature_Battery [Celsius] |
Internal_Temperature | Rectifier_X.Temperature_Internal [Celsius] |
Temperature_Ambient | Rectifier_X.Temperature_Ambient [Celsius] |
Solar_1-8_Voltage | Rectifier_X.Solar_Voltage_X [V] | Solar modules data |
DG_Signal | Rectifier_X.Generator Signal |
Communicating_Modules | Rectifier_X.Communication_Rectifier_Modules |
Communicating_Solar_Modules | Rectifier_X.Communication_Solar_Modules |