PSO600 Model - Installation & Configuration

PSO600 Model - Installation & Configuration


  • 5 pin connector.

  • Laptop/Computer.

  • Screw driver.

  • PSO600 Modbus registers.

  • 4 core cable.

  • PSO600 panel

PSO600 Panel RS485 Communication Connection

Below is a connection for the RS485 communication. Counting from down

  • Pin 3 - RS485 A 

  • Pin 4 - RS485 B


PSO600 Configuration Modbus Settings

  1. Access Communication Settings

  2. Press Reset and Ok same time for 5sec.

  3. Enter configuration settings.

  4. Scroll to communication settings.

  5. Ensure to configure settings such as baud rate, parity, stop bits, and Modbus address.

Setting Modbus Parameters

  1. Device Address: Assign a unique Modbus address to the PSO600 panel. ID 10

  2. Baud Rate: Set the baud rate, 19200.

  3. Parity: Configure parity (None, Even, Odd) None.

  4. Function Codes: Ensure the function codes supported by the panel are properly configured to match your application needs (e.g., read/write operations).

  5. Save and Apply Configuration. (by clicking Reset until save option appears).

Mapping PSO600 Modbus Registers to Power Center

Adding Device

  1. Refer to the https://galooli.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CgCcuQ

  2. On Power Center, under configuration add under “Port 1” device add “generator”, set “IDs” and “Device Baudrate” then “Apply”.



Adding Registers

  1. Click on added device with reference to the Modbus register map.

  2. Click Add item, insert respective values i.e. Address, Type, Register and Value factor. Then apply. See below.

  3. After applying, write, reset and check on status to see connectivity. Add other registers following the above stage.