Schneider Installation and Configuration

Schneider Installation and Configuration


Installation Preparation

Before you get started make sure you have the following:

  • Schneider XW Pro Battery Inverter

  • One of the following:

    • Schneider Conext™ Gateway

    • InsightHome 990-91410

    • InsightFacility 990-91411

This document is only intended for use with the "Schneider Conext Gateway”

  • Elara gateway

  • The power source of +12V DC to power the Galooli RTU (Elara)

  • Power cables for the Elara gateway - two cables with a thickness of 0.5mm. The length of the cables is determined by the distance between the power supply and the Elara gateway

  • Ethernet communication cable

  • RS485 To USB Converter & two 0.5mm thick communication cables. The length of the cables is determined by the distance between the RS485 to the USB converter and the computer

  • Screwdriver (Slotted & Phillips)

Configuration Preparation

  • PC or laptop computer

  • Galooli Software Solution link

  • Power Center installed - Click here to download.

  • RS485 to USB converter - Refer here for driver installation instructions.

  • Technical Booklet - Provided by Galooli Support team.

Physical Connection

  1. Connect the Schneider Battery Inverter to the Schneider Conext™ Gateway via the “xanbus” connection.

Schneider Battery Inverter side
Schneider Conext™ Gateway side
  1. Connect the network terminators on both the Schneider Battery Inverter and the Schneider ConextTM Gateway

  1. Connect the computer to the Schneider Conext™ Gateway via ethernet cable.


Configuration and Upgrade

  1. Download the updated version of Schneider Conext Gateway from the Schneider website.
    Enter the link > Download tab > Firmware tab > Download the latest version of the firmware file to your computer.

  2. You should change your computer's IP address to the IP address range of the Schneider hardware. In order to do that please follow the next steps:

a. Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network Connections > Select the ethernet input to which the ethernet cable is connected

b. Find the "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPc4)" and double-click it

c. Click on “Use the following IP address > write down the IP address > Click on “OK”

  1. Enter the next IP address in the URL bar of an internet browser to access Schneider's configuration software.

  1. Once the login page has opened, write down the login information you received from Schneider.

  1. You must upload the latest version of the gateway firmware that you downloaded at the beginning of this article. Afterward, you will need to click on “Restart now” and open the software again.

  1. Make sure to enable the “Modbus TCP” option.

  1. Set the ethernet settings


  1. It is optional to enable a wireless connection on the Schneider gateway for future wireless connection


  1. Close the software and disconnect the ethernet cable from the computer and the gateway.

Elara Power Center Configuration

  1. Connect the computer to the Elara gateway using the RS485 connection

  2. Open the PowerCenter (if it is already open, close it and reopen it).

  3. Open the “Active Device” drop-down menu and select “Elara”.


  1. Open the “Connect Via” drop-down menu and select the relevant Serial COM port.

  1. Navigate to the “Elara” tab.

  1. Navigate to the “Configuration” tab 

  1. Click the “Read Configuration” button.

  1. In the Configure tab click “Add Modbus ETH Device”.

  1. The “Elara – Modbus Over TCP Device Configuration” window will pop up:

a. Open the “Devices” first drop-down menu and select “Inverter_Charger”.

b. Open the “Devices” second drop-down menu and select “SCHNEIDER_XwPro

c. Input the ID of the sensor in the “Physical Device ID” & “Virtual Device ID” (according to the image below).

d. Click “Apply”.

10. Click the “Write Configuration” button to save the changes. 

11. Click the “Reset” button.

12. Navigate to the “Status” tab to view the status of the Inverter.

 13. Connect the Schneider gateway to the Elara gateway using an Ethernet cable.

14. Close the Power Center and open it again.

15. Connect to the Elara using the Power Center and make the following changes to the Elara global configuration data:

a. Double-click on one of the rows in the "Configuration" tab.

b. Please enter the network parameters as shown in the image below.

c. Click “Apply

d. Click the “Write Configuration” button to save the changes. 

e. Click the “Reset” button.

16. The Power Center should be closed and the computer disconnected from the Elara.