Sparta Lithium-ion Battery Installation and Configuration (Polarium)

Sparta Lithium-ion Battery Installation and Configuration (Polarium)

Installation Preparation

Please ensure that you have the following items:

  • Sparta Lithium-ion battery backup battery

  • Sparta Lithium-ion battery

  • 300 mm length for the red cable & 250 mm length for the black cable. 1mm flexible copper wire

  • Sparta Lithium-ion battery GSM Antenna

  • Thick double side adhesive. Specifications: Thickness-2mm, width-30cm, material - Nano PU gel

  • Nut. Specifications M6 hexagonal nuts, A2-70 stainless steel. Dia: 6mm, thread size: 5mm, thickness:5mm

  • Cable lug. Specifications: insulated ring-type lug. Inner Dia: 6.4mm, stud size: M6, Cable size 0.5-2.5mm

  • Crimp

  • Calibrated torque screwdrivers

  • Torque Wrench

  • Plier

  • Screwdriver

  • Adjustable spanner

  • Washers

  • RS485 To USB Converter & two 0.5mm thick communication cables. The length of the cables is determined by the distance between the RS485 to the USB converter and the computer

  • RS485 connector (Connects the Sparta Lithium-ion battery to the RS485 to USB converter)

Configuration Preparation

  • PC or laptop computer

  • Galooli Software Solution link

  • Power Center installed - Click here to download.

  • RS485 to USB converter - Refer here for driver installation instructions.

  • Technical Booklet - Provided by Galooli Support team

GPS Connection

  1. Make sure that the antenna wire is connected to the Sparta Lithium-ion battery antenna jack - A indication.

  2. Make sure the backup battery of the Sparta Lithium-ion battery is connected to the designated terminals on the Sparta PCB - B indication. At that point, the Sparta Lithium-ion battery gateway will be powered only by the backup battery. You should replace the Sparta Lithium-ion battery backup battery if it is uncharged or connect the Sparta Lithium-ion battery to another power source.

  3. Ensure that you are in an area where satellite reception will be optimal and wait for five minutes.

  4. Make sure that the Sparta Lithium-ion battery is turned on. You should be able to see the two LED lights as your indication. After the circuit is powered, a blinking pattern will appear - C indication

  1. In case the black (for the negative pole) and red (for the positive pole) wires are not

connected to the Sparta Lithium-ion battery, connect the plus and minus cables to the designated location on the board

  1. Next, the Sparta Lithium-ion battery will be mounted inside the lithium-ion battery as part of the installation process.

Battery Connection & Power

When removing the lid of the Lithium-ion battery, do not remove the insulation cover or any other components not clearly listed in the manual.

See Appendix A: Warnings and Precautions User Battery Manual (DOC-770-00130) with regards to hazards.

The wires listed in the image below do not include all wires in the battery. Only wires relevant to the Sparta LIB connection are visible.

  1. The Sparta Lithium-ion battery is designed to attach itself to the battery using two opposite-facing plastic clips - E indication (For Polarium batteries)

Mechanical fitting error

If there is a mechanical fitting error, please refer to the following information:

If the plastic adapter does not fit its designated mounting area, this may lead to unwanted friction between the printed circuit board (PCB) of the Sparta Lithium-ion battery and the inner battery wall - for reference view the yellow indication line.

As such, we recommend removing the plastic holders to ease the mounting process - for reference view the red & blue legends.


Placing the antenna & backup battery

  1. Using the double-sided adhesive sticker, attach the GSM antenna to the internal battery side -
    F indication

  2. Using the backup battery adhesive, attach the battery to the internal Lithium-ion battery face -
    G Indication

Please note that there are two types of compartments:

205 [Ah]:


100 [Ah]:

Power connection

Red wire - Positive pole

  1. Connect the positive Sparta Lithium-ion battery wire (red) to one of the three input voltage red wires (the left wire shown in the picture).

    1. To do so, use the crimp.

    2. Make sure to press the crimp with pliers so that you hear a clicking sound - making sure that the crimp is secured properly.

Black wire - Negative pole

  1. Warning - do not remove the already existing Battery Lithium-ion battery nuts - they are not to be tampered with!

  2. Connect the negative Sparta Lithium-ion battery wire (black wire) to the Lithium-ion battery circuit breaker line pole - use the extra nut to fasten the wire’s interface. Make sure that the nut is securely tightened.


  1. Verify that both power wires - red and black - are properly connected on the Sparta Lithium-ion battery side.

  1. Using the following steps, confirm that the device receives power from the battery:

  2. Disconnect the backup battery.

  3. Check the Sparta Lithium-ion battery LED interface - if they are operating, then this means that the unit is being fed voltage via the LIB battery properly. Green leads should be blinking.

  4. Reconnect the Sparta Lithium-ion battery backup battery.

  5. Close the Lithium-ion battery cover (The torque for the screws for the cover is 0.85Nm)

  6. The next step is the Sparta Lithium-ion battery configuration

Power Center Configuration - Step 1

  1. Connect the RS485 connector to the Sparta Lithium-ion battery input.

Pin #


Pin #


4 - RS485 A


3 - RS485 B


1,2,5 not relevant

Red, black, blue

  1. Connect the other side of the RS485 connector to the RS485 to USB converter.

Pin #


RS485 Converter

Pin #


RS485 Converter

4 - RS485 A


Input 1

3 - RS485 B


Input 2

  1. Connect the RS485 converter to the computer

  2. Open Power Center

  3. Open the “Active Device” drop-down menu, and select “Power Device”.

  1. Open the “Connect Via” drop-down menu, and select the relevant Serial COM port.

  1. Chose the “Sparta LIB” tab

  1. By double-clicking on the "Messages" option, a new tab will be opened with the name "Communication Log". You should drag this tab to the right side of the Power Center until you see a square icon. Locate the computer's mouse in this square and drop the "Communication Log" there. This action will locate the "Communication Log" in a convenient location so that it can be viewed to determine whether there has been communication with Sparta LIB.

After that, click the “Sparta LIB” tab again.

Ensure that the "Communication log" is filled with data.

  1. Click on “Read Configuration” and then “Status

10. Please ensure that the Sparta Lithium-ion battery hardware version is up-to-date, if necessary update the version. After an upgrade has occurred, click on “Write configuration”.

Sparta Lithium-ion battery default parameters configuration

If it is necessary to change Sparta Lithium-ion battery default parameters, please refer to the following section.

  1. Sparta LIB should be set to "Maintenance Mode" in order to make any configuration changes

  2. In the following sections, make the necessary changes

  • Server URL
    The address of the Galooli Server for the purpose of transferring data. This information can be found in the technical booklet of the organization.

  • Network APN

    The following is a list of all the global SIM cards that Galooli offers. There will be a different APN for each local carrier.

    SIM card address:

    • Telefónica Digital Solutions - M2M & IoT (telefonica)

    • internet.gma.iot (t-mobile)

    • bicsapn (BICS)

  • Network User
    There are some cellular operators that require a username for each SIM card. In the absence of a mention, move on.

  • Network Password
    There are some cellular operators that require a password for each SIM card. In the absence of a mention, move on.

  • In-Cabinet Wakeup interval [Minutes]
    Sparta Lithium-ion battery frequency of connection to the server. In this mode, the Sparta Lithium-ion battery can be connected via OTA and commands can be sent to the device. However, a serial connection can be made at any time

    60 minutes is the default time.

  • In-Cabinet Wakeup Period [Minutes]
    The duration of Sparta Lithium-ion battery connection to the server during each interval. Only in this period of time, Sparta Lithium-ion battery can be connected via OTA and commands can be sent to the device. However, a serial connection can be made at any time.

    15 minutes is the default time.

  • GPS state while in-Cabinet
    Controls the status of the GPS receiver.

    • The “Low Power” option, is the default option that enables GPS activity at a low capacity to reduce power consumption.

    • The ”Power Off” status will disable GPS functionality

  • Tracking Minimum Period [Minutes]
    This parameter determines the time required for the Sparta Lithium-ion battery to switch from Tracking mode to In-Cabinet mode when the Sparta Lithium-ion battery has stopped moving.

    15 minutes is the default time.

  • Report Intervals [seconds]
    Sets how often the Sparta Lithium-ion battery transmits information to the server once the unit is connected to the server. 60 seconds is the default time.

  • Movement Sensor Sensitivity
    Defines the Sensitivity level of the accelerometer (motion sensor).
    Normal is the default.

  • Enable Silk Route™ Technology
    With this option enabled, Sparta's Lithium-ion battery track trail display on the map will be more accurate and uninterrupted while in "tracking" mode. Consequently, more power and data are consumed.

Make sure to click on "Write configuration" after setting all the relevant parameters.

  1. The next step of the configuration is setting the specific parameters of the Sparta Lithium-ion battery.

Power Center Configuration - Step 2

  1. In order to define the Sparta Lithium-ion battery to the working mode, click "Cabinet Mode”.

  1. After clicking the “Cabinet Mode” wait for 5 minutes and then verify the following parameters in the "Status” section:

  • Network - Sim Found. Network OK+DATA. Connected

  • GPS - Ensure that the last location is set to the most recent time. If the location is not set you can always use the manual “Set Location” feature.

  • Working Mode - eSystem_InCabinet_Wakeup

  • Check the “Metrics” menu

    • Make sure that the “Network” status is “SIM Found, Network OK + Data, connected

  1. In order to complete the configuration process, proceed to the next step.

Galooli Solution Configuration

In the event that you own an active Sparta Lithium-ion battery gateway in your organization, you can copy all or part of the configurations to the new unit/s using the "Copy Settings” tool or “clone unit” tool.

In the event, this is the organization's first Sparta Lithium-ion battery gateway, please continue to the first paragraph.

  1. In the “My Units” menu find the unit within the "Stock" cluster and click on it.


  2. The "Overview" tab should be used to give the unit a name as well as to select the appropriate asset type. Click here for more information about the "Overview" tab.


  3. The “Configuration” tab should be used to configure IO’s. Click here for more information about the "IO’s" tab.








  1. On the "Events" tab, add the relevant events to your Sparta Lithium-ion battery gateway. Click

here for more information about the "Events" tab.

Analog Value Events

Digital Value Events

Temperature Events

Location Events

Analog Value Events

Digital Value Events

Temperature Events

Location Events

High Voltage

In Tracking

 Temperature Exceed

Geofence Leave

 Low Voltage

Maintenance mode

Temperature Below



In Cabinet mode




Cutt Off



  1. Select the "Overview" tab and enter the phone numbers and emails of the recipients who should

receive notifications regarding the events. Click here for more information about the "Overview" tab. It
is not necessary to configure notifications at the unit level if you have already configured them at the
group or cluster level.

  1. On the "Information" tab, under the “Unit” menu and then “Section: Administration” write the Sparta Lithium-ion battery serial number on “Info 1” and “Info 2”. Fill “Info 3” with the activated time and “Info 4” with the name of the installer.

  2. On the "Information" tab, under the “Unit” menu and then “Section: Hardware”:

    1. Enter the "SIM Phone Number" and "SIM Serial Number".

    2. Write the “Sparta ID” as “Board ID”.

    3. Copy the Modem IMEI from Power Center and paste appropriately.

    4. Write the Lithium-ion battery serial number as the “Plate Number”.

  3. All configurations should be saved.

  4. Transfer the unit from the "Stock" cluster to another relevant cluster.

  5. Make sure the Sparta lithium ion is displayed on the map by opening the Panorama application.