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Welcome to the troubleshooting guide for optimizing energy efficiency and monitoring with our hardware and software solutions. As a leader in the field of energy management, we understand the importance of maintaining peak performance to maximize savings and minimize environmental impact.


Table of Contents

Panorama/Mobile App

Unit Is Displayed In The Wrong Location On The Map

How to Detect the Fault?

Troubleshooting Steps

The location of the asset on the map is incorrect.

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  1. Open the Power Center and make a connection via OTA connection to the gateway.

  2. Ensure that the hardware version of the gateway has been updated, if not, update it via the Galooli solution >> My versions tool as a standard procedure.

  3. Move the gateway outside to a location where GPS reception is better for 5-10 minutes until the location is corrected. In the event that the process is not successful, proceed to the next section.

  4. By using the Power Center, you can manually set the location of the gateway.

Make sure that you write the configuration and
  1. The unit configuration should be read, the relevant data should be changed, and the configuration should be written. In order to determine whether the location has changed, check the map in the Panorama application

to see if the location has changed.image-20240710-084035.pngImage Removed
  1. .

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GPS module of Galooli gateway determines and saves the gateway's coordinates. Location is determined by the gateway.

Whenever satellite reception is not available or due to a technical malfunction, the position of the unit cannot be determined, then the position may be manually adjusted. However, it is important to emphasize that once the GPS module is again active, it will determine the position, not the manual adjustment.

  1. In the event that the location has not been changed, please open a ticket with the specific example and describe the actions you have taken.

Offline Units

How to Detect the Fault?

Troubleshooting Steps

It appears that all the units in the organization tree are disconnected. Disconnected units are displayed in gray color.

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  1. In case not all of the units are disconnected, it is not a Galooli system failure and most probably related to a local network issue.

  2. If all the units in the organization tree are disconnected it can be one of the two:

    • Galooli system failure.

    • Local network issues.

  3. First step is to verify that the local network is up:

    • Check with your communication provider if there is a known issue.

    • Use a different communication provider in one of the units or in a test unit, if the unit is communicating with Galooli’s cloud then the issue is local.

4. In case even after testing with a different communication provider there is no communication escalate the issue to Galooli. Galooli Support

Different Data Values Between Platforms

How to Detect the Fault?

Troubleshooting Steps

The parameters in the Panorama Application do not align with the parameter in the Power Center.

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Calibration Table Verification

  1. Check if there is a calibration table to the gateway and whether it impacts the value.

  2. Verify if calibration is required. If not, remove it and recheck to ensure everything is functioning properly.

  3. If the issue persists after a few minutes, proceed to the next step.

Layout Issue Verification

  1. Check the layout implementation.

  2. Investigate additional units with the same layout:

    • If no issue is found in other units, contact Galooli Account team.

    • If the problem is isolated to a single unit, perform an in-depth review of the unit's configuration.


Summary Report With No Values

How to Detect the Fault?

Troubleshooting Steps

Whenever a summary report that should logically display data is run, the displayed data is zero.

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  1. To determine the specific day when the issue occurred, run the same summary report with the “Data Aggregation” set to "daily".

  2. Following the identification of a problematic day, you should prepare a detailed report on a particular day and specific unit. A detailed field must be located on which the summary field that returned the result 0 in the original report was based.
    To determine which summary field is based on which detailed field, please refer to this link.

  3. In the event that there is data in the detailed report but not in the summary, please open a ticket with the specific example and specify whether it is a specific unit/group of units or the entire organization as well as whether it is one summary field, multiple summary fields, or all summary fields.


The NOC Alarms Table Does Not Display Specific Alarms

How to Detect the Fault?

Troubleshooting Steps

The NOC alarms table does not display an alarm, despite the fact that the alarm is active.

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  1. Alarm Status (Physical Device) - Ensure that the alarm is indeed active on the source device (Rectifier/Generator). As long as the alarm is active, you may proceed to the following steps to ensure that the alarm is displayed in the Galooli Solution.

  2. You should ensure that you have access permissions to view the site in order to view the actual alarm.

  3. In the NOC alarms table, be sure to look at the appropriate category of alarms.

  4. Ensure that the alarm is "enabled" and that the "Activation Delay” time is appropriate.

  5. Verify that the site/unit in question is configured as "Certified"

Assuming all of the above sections are correct, you will need to determine whether this is a real-time alarm or a historical alarm you wish to investigate, and if this is the case, continue to work with the table.

Real Time Case Study

In the event that the alarm is activated now, then locate the unit in the Panorama application organization tree and, using the Live mode, locate the alarm in its relevant card.
Site Unit View

Then check the NOC application to see if the alarm appears in the alarms table.

Historical Case Study

If the alarm occurred in the past, the Pro application detailed report can be used to locate the alarm.
Detailed Reports

To compare the relevant field in the detailed report with the NOC alarm, use the NOC alarm table documentation >> “System Parameter Name” column.

NOC Alarms List

To locate the alarm, use the NOC System Log menu.


It is essential to keep in mind that when investigating information from the past, although the particular alarms documentation will not change, the configuration of the NOC application may have been modified by the user at that time.

If the alarm was found in Panorama application or Pro application, but not in NOC application, please open a ticket to the Galooli support team. A detailed description of the problem and steps taken so far to resolve it should be included in the ticket.


The Power Consumption Tool Did Not Display Some Units

How to Detect the Fault?

Troubleshooting Steps

The Power Consumption tool does not display a unit when attempting to locate it.

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There are certain conditions that must be met by the user and the unit in order to see the unit in the Power Consumption tool.

The following link provides a complete list of conditions.


Fuel Volume


Doesn't Change After Calibration Table Change

How to Detect the Fault?

Troubleshooting Steps



It appears that the change in the fuel calibration table is not reflected in the system.

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  1. Open the Manager Application, choose the My Calibrations tool, choose the relevant calibration table.

  2. Make the necessary adjustments to the table, then at the "Fuel Mode" select "None" and save the changes.

  3. Then, return to the same table and restore the previous "Fuel Mode" option.

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SDK Query Does Not Work

How to Detect the Fault?

Troubleshooting Steps



When trying to use the Galooli SDK service and not receiving the desired result.

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Before The Troubleshooting

  1. In order to conduct an effective investigation of the issue, you should save aside the SDK query that you are trying to run.

  2. Please read the Galooli SDK

  3. Troubleshooting must be conducted using a browser

The Troubleshooting

  1. Service Limitation & Requirements

  2. Ensure that API configurations are set for the relevant user in the organization Access & Security settings -

  3. Make sure the query is written correctly. Pay attention to the username and password. To build a correct query, it is important to follow the instructions of Galooli - How To Construct My Request?

  4. Ensure that the SDK queries are updated to align with the latest changes to Galooli system parameters - SDK Field Changes

  5. If the query still fails, run a different query with the same username and password, this way you can determine if the issue is the query itself or a wrong definition of the username and password.

    1. If the new query works, then the issue is with the original query's structure. Create the query from the beginning - How To Construct My Request?

    2. If the new query does not work, please review the documentation at to understand how to troubleshoot the issue.

  6. In the event that all the steps described above did not resolve the issue and the query still fails, please open a ticket to the Galooli support team. A detailed description of the problem and steps taken so far to resolve it should be included in the ticket.

Internet Service Provider Blocking Galooli Solution

How to Detect the Fault?

Troubleshooting Steps

In an attempt to open the Galooli solution, an error is displayed.

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  1. Check the quality of your internet connection

  2. Change the internet provider company and try opening the Galooli solution again

  3. If the previous step did not work for you or if you do not have a second internet provider, you may wish to clear the DNS cache.

Email Event Notifications Not Received

How to Detect the Fault?

Troubleshooting Steps

Despite the fact that the event occurred, no email notification is received.

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  1. Verify that an email is not received only within this particular unit or throughout the entire organization.

  2. Ensure that your email address is not blacklisted through the organization manager. How To Remove Email Addresses From The Blacklist?

  3. You should make sure that the setting is configured so that when this specific event occurs, an email should be sent (Events) and, make sure that your email is properly documented (Overview).

  4. Create and test different event on the same problematic unit in order to determine whether there is an issue with the event or with the unit itself. "Location Request By User" is the recommended event.

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    Once you have created the event and updated your email address, enter the Panorama application, select the unit from the organization tree, click on the Live view, and then click on “Request Update”.

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  1. In the event that you have not received an email after trying all possible methods, please submit a ticket to the Galooli support team. The details of all tests as well as the unit must be included in the ticket. Galooli Support

Galooli Solutions Passwords Cannot Be Reset

How to Detect the Fault?

Troubleshooting Steps

When performing a password reset, but no email confirmation is received from the system.

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  1. Press the “Forgot Password” option again and check your email inbox and your spam folder too.

  2. Verify that your email address is not blacklisted. Ask another user in the organization to perform the operation as follows:

  3. It is recommended that you try to recover the password again if the email address is not on the blacklist.

  4. In the event that none of these steps are successful, open a ticket to the Galooli support with the user's information. The ticket should contain all the details and actions taken so far.

Power Center

Data Value Mismatch Between Power Center and Device

How to Detect the Fault?

Troubleshooting Steps

When the Power Center displays values that are different from those displayed on the devices.

  1. Ensure you precisely identify the incorrect parameter in the Power Center.

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For example:

  • The “Connection State” may display as “No Connection.”

  • The “Voltage” value may be different from the one shown on the device.

  1. The cause of these malfunctions may be that the “Command Code” or “Address” in the Power Center does not match the information in the device's datasheet.

  2. Locate the parameter in the Power Center and ensure that the “Command Code” and the “Address” matches the information in the device's datasheet. If they do not match, update the information in the Power Center and perform a Write Configuration.

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  1. In the event that none of these steps are successful, open a ticket to the Galooli support with the device information. The ticket should contain all the details and actions taken so far.