By using the Configuration Manager, users are able to create and edit new categories and alarms in the NOC applications.
Auto/Manual Ticketing
This indicator shows whether the organization has an Auto or Manual ticketing process.
Auto Ticketing- Tickets will open automatically with each alarm, without human intervention (On condition a unique integration is performed through Galooli)
Manual Ticketing - All ticketing options are made manually.
It is possible to switch between Auto and Manual ticketing modes by submitting a ticket to the Galooli support team - Galooli Support
Add Category
The categories organize the alarms into different groups for the convenience of the user.
When creating a category, you have the option to disable Auto Ticketing mode for that specific category.
Add Alarm
Click on "Add Alarm" and fill in all the relevant information.
Field Name | Description |
Name | Add a meaningful name to the alarm to easily identify the nature of the alarm in the list. Each alarm should have a different name. The same name will prevent the creation of an alarm. |
Category | Assign the alarm to the relevant category. You can add alarms to the Colocation NOC tool by selecting the Colocation NOC category and then adding the relevant alarms. |
Criticality | Indicate how critical the alarm is. Options are as follows:
Alarm Type | Select the alarm type. It is very important to select the most relevant alarm for your needs. A detailed description of the alarms can be found in the following link - NOC Alarms List |
Activation Delay | Adjust the delay time of the alarm activation. Note that the delay is between the trigger time Vs. the presentation time of the alarm. The purpose of this functionality is to make sure that there are no false alarms within the system. The default delay is 5 minutes and can be changed within a range of 0 – 9999 minutes. |
Release Delay | Adjust the delay time of the alarm release from the NOC. This parameter specifies how long should pass before the alert ceases to be active. |
Edit Comments | The ability to insert free text to the alarms. These comment will be displayed in the NOC table, and can be be added to the tickets automatically, if there is a relevant integration to your ticketing system. |
Enabled | Check the box to enable the alarm or uncheck to disable the alarm. Disabled alarms won’t appear in the list even if they were activated at the site |
Once completed, click “Add” to add the alarm to the relevant category. You will see the alarm in the list under the selected category immediately.
In order for the alarm to appear in the NOC's alarm table, it is very critical that the unit/site in question has been correctly configured in the My Units tool configuration:
Unit “Information” tab >> “Additional Information” >> Category: Site Info >> Section: Certification >> Certification = Certified
Edit Alarm
Each alarm can be further configured after saving. To configure an existing alarm, select the alarm from the list and the alarm details will appear as an overlay. Users can either make changes to the current settings and click “Update” or “remove” the alarm entirely.
More Options
Export Alarm - You can export the alarms list to an excel file by clicking the Excel icon
Expand Table - All the alarms within a category can be viewed by expanding the categories in the table.