Schedule this script to run every 5-15 minutes. The scheduling will affect how much time the alarm should be active before the user is notified.
In the “Alarm State” variable, paste the unique identifier of the alarm you are interested in.
In the “Send Email” function“Galooli.SendEmail” function (line 48), replace the email address to which the message will be sent.
The attached file must be downloaded to your computer and loaded into the Galooli automation solution once the data has been edited.
Schedule this script to run every half hour
In the “Send Email” function“Galooli.SendEmail” function (line 22), replace the email address to which the message will be sent
Due to the fact that the test is performed every half hour, and the test in the code examines whether the unit has been disconnected for more than five hours, the notification of the disconnection can arrive (at the latest) five and a half hours after the actual disconnection took place
The attached file must be downloaded to your computer and loaded into the Galooli automation solution once the data has been edited
Schedule this script to run every one hour
In the “insert Phone number” function, replace “Galooli.SendSMS” functions (lines 16, 20, 25), place the phone number to which the message messages will be sent
In the “insert name” function“Galooli.Log” functions (lines 17, 21, 26), place the names of the recipients
Schedule this script to run every 10 minutes
In the “Replace threshold” function, replace As part of the condition that check the battery SOC you can change the threshold if necessary (line 12)
In the “insert email” function“Galooli.SendEmail” function (line 16), place the emails of the recipients
Schedule this script to run every 10 minutes
In the “Replace threshold” function, replace As part of the condition that check the battery SOC you can change the threshold if necessary (line 12)
In the “insert email” function“Galooli.SendEmail” function (line 16), place the emails of the recipients
Schedule this script to run every 10 minutes
In the “Replace threshold” function, replace As part of the condition that check the battery voltage you can change the threshold if necessary (line 12)
In the “insert email” function“Galooli.SendEmail” function (line 16), place the emails of the recipients
Schedule this script to run every 10 minutes
In the “Replace threshold” function, replace As part of the condition that check the battery voltage you can change the threshold if necessary (line 12)
In the “insert email” function“Galooli.SendEmail” function (line 16), place the emails of the recipients
Schedule this script to run every one hour
In the “insert email” function“Galooli.SendEmail” function (line 17), place the emails of the recipients
Schedule this script to run ones a day
In the “update the maintenance KPI” function, place the next maintenance date of the generator
In the “insert email” functionUpdate the maintenance KPI (line 16)
In the “Galooli.SendEmail” function (line 24), place the emails of the recipients
Schedule this script to run every 10 minutes
In the “insert email” function“Galooli.SendEmail” function (line 18), place the emails of the recipients