In certain instances, customers express their interest in seamlessly integrating a new device into the Galooli's systems, aiming to establish it as a standard component. This integration journey is a collaborative effort between the client and Galooli. Emphasizing the importance of precision, our joint efforts are dedicated to ensuring the seamless functionality and synchronization of the product device with Galooli systems , by following to the detailed instructions outlined provided in this document.
במידה ונדרשת חומרה שהוא אחת מפרוטוקולי התקשרות הנפוצים שאנחנו תומכים אז הלקוח יכול לבצע את כל הפעולה באופן עצמאי ללא תלות בגלולי למעט ההתראות.
שם במערכת
דיפולטים בפאוור סנטר
לקבל התראות
אלא פעולה שצריך את גלולי
בדיקת נתונים והחלטה האם לעשות אינטגרציה או לא.
לטובת קבלת פרמטרים חיים אפשר לקבל ללא גלולי
Table of Contents | ||
Step 1 - Pre Integration Required Data
Device Type (rectifier, generator panel, etc.)
Brand - דוגמא
If the hardware in question supports one of the common communication protocols that Galooli supports, the customer can complete the integration independently and start collecting supported parameters.
In case one of the following is required as part of the integration, Galooli will have to be included in the integration process:
Device name to show in the system display.
Get the new integration as one of the power center defaults.
New parameters that are not supported by Galooli.
Device Alarms
In such cases, the customer will submit the integration request to his account manager in Galooli.
Galooli will analyze the integration request and reply to the customer if the request is accepted.
Table of Contents | ||||||||||||
Pre Integration Required Data
If the hardware in question supports one of the common communication protocols that Galooli supports like, RS485, Ethernet, Modbus, Modbus over TCP, SNMP, please gather the following data:
Device Type (e.g. Rectifier, Generator panel, etc.)
Brand (e.g. Delta, Eltek, DSE, Cummins)
Model (e.g. Orion, SmartPack, DSE 7320, PCC1302)
Technical Manual: A detailed guide for the specific model is required to understand how to configure the device for integration with our system.
Communication Protocol/MIB File: Depending on the integration type, ensure the appropriate files are available.
Register/OID List vs. Existing System Fields: Provide a clear mapping of registers or OIDs to the fields already present in our system. If needed, please reach out to your Galooli contact person.
Include scaling factors (if applicable).
Alarms list
List parameters needed for X-Ray depending on the integration type.אם יש צורך יש לפנות לאיש הקשר בגלולי
This checklist section is also applicable for requests to update an existing integration. In such cases, all items remain valid except for providing documentation, which should already exist from the initial integration phase.
Galooli currently supports the following communication methods and protocols:
RS485, Ethernet
Modbus, MכלAodbus over TCP, SNMP
In case your hardware product supports the communication methods and protocols listed above continue to paragraph 1
Note |
In the event that the communication method or protocol is different from those described above, please open a support ticket with Galooli. Upon receiving an answer from Galooli, you may proceed with the process. |
Please ensure that the Galooli gateway and the new device are in the office.
Ensure that the new device is connected to your computer.
According to the product protocol, the following steps should be taken:
“Modbus” protocol - The Physical Device ID should be configured using the manual guideline that came with the device. Keep a record of the Physical Device ID so you can use it later.
“Modbus over TCP” protocol - The Device IP address should be configured within the same range as this of the Galooli gateway using the manual instructions provided with the device. For example Elara IP is by default. Keep a record of the Device IP Address so you can use it later.
“SNMP” protocol - The Device IP address should be configured within the same range as this of the Galooli gateway using the manual instructions provided with the device. For example Elara IP is by default. Keep a record of the Device IP Address so you can use it later.
Disconnect the device from the computer.
Download the Galooli Power Center platform.
Assemble the Elara gateway and connect it to a power source and your computer.
Connect the the new device to the Elara gateway.
Open the Power Center and make a serial connection to the Elara gateway.
Configure the new device in the Power Center:
Info |
We will now demonstrate an example on how to integrate a new generator panel (RS485-Modbus). |
Depending on the device communication method/protocol, select the appropriate method of adding the device to the Power Center:
RS485-Modbus → “Add Port 1 Device”
Ethernet-Modbus over TCP → “Add MODBUS ETH Device”
Ethernet-SNMP → “Add SNMP ETH Device”
Select the appropriate device >> change the "Physical Device ID" to the device ID you specified in the previous paragraph (Paragraph 3). Click “Apply”.
Click "Write configuration", wait until the process is complete, and then click "Reset".
Choose the "Configuration" tab, double click on the existing device, click on the “Port” line and click on “Add item”.
The following wizard will allow you to choose the “Assignment” and specify the different parameters for that assignment. Listed below are Galooli's recommendations for the required assignments.
Add the first assignment, fill in the parameters using the technical specification manual that came with the device, and apply the changes.
The configuration process varies depending on the protocol type. Below, we will provide details about the different types of protocols and the way to configure the devices.
Ensure the device is connected to the gateway and the gateway is connected to your computer
Download the Galooli Power Center platform and login
Configure the new device in the Power Center according to the below:
Modbus & Modbus over TCP Protocols
For the Modbus & Modbus over TCP Protocols, add a serial device (Modbus) or Modbus ETH (Modbus over TCP) and then select the appropriate device.
For “Modbus” update the Physical Device ID, Virtual Device ID, Device Baudrate as needed.
For “Modbus over TCP” update the Physical Device ID, Virtual Device ID, and Device IP and the Device Port as needed.Finally, click Apply to save the changes.
Modbus | Modbus over TCP |
Navigate to the Configuration tab, double-click on the existing device, select the ID line, and then click Add Item.
The wizard will guide you through selecting the Assignment and configuring its parameters.
Add the first assignment, complete the parameters using the device's technical specification manual, and click Apply to save the changes.
“SNMP” Protocol
For the SNMP protocol, add the “SNMP ETH” device and then select the appropriate device. Update the Device ID and the Virtual Device ID as needed.
Finally, click Apply to save the changes.
Navigate to the Configuration tab, double-click on the existing device, select the ID line, and then click Add Item.
The wizard will guide you through selecting the Assignment and configuring its parameters. Add the first assignment, complete the parameters using the device's technical specification manual, and click Apply to save the changes.
The next steps apply equally to all protocols.
Click "Write configuration", wait until the process is complete, and then click "Reset".
Click on the "Status" tab, open the relevant device option, and compare the Power Center value of the assignment you added in the previous step with the actual value. Thus, you will be able to verify the accuracy of the readings in Power Center.
Repeat the process for each assignment separately. After each new assignment is added, be sure to click "Write configuration", wait until the process has been completed, and then click "Reset". For each new assignment , make sure to verify the receiving of data each time.
Ensure that all relevant alarms are listed, as well as any remote control parameters. The technical specifications/datasheet of the product contains all the relevant information. You may need to contact the manufacturer if necessary. Apply the changes to complete the process.
Click "Write configuration", wait until the process is complete, and then click "Reset".
The configuration that you have made must be saved by clicking on "Save As", which will create a GIB file that is required for the next steps.
Submit a support ticket through the Galooli solution to the Galooli support team. The ticket should contain the following information:
Describe your request for the creation of a new default integration with a new hardware product
Provide the full name, model, and method of communication of the product
Let Galooli know what hours and days the unit will be connected to a power source and the network so that they may conduct their own tests
Upload the GIB file
Include all technical documents related to the product
Galooli Recommended Assignments
Using Galooli's recommended assignments requires finding the appropriate protocol, locating the assignments, and returning to the last paragraph you reviewed.
Modbus Over TCP