Recommended Configuration for Galooli Gateways
Fuel sensor range calibration - Omnicomm Configurator download link
Upon opening the configurator, the following screen will appear.
Submerge the LLS tube completely into the fuel (slowly and carefully). Add the fuel to the measuring tank so as to cover the LLS fuel level sensor along its full L1 length. Wait at least 1 minute until the «The level is stabilized” message appears.
In the program window, click on the “Full” button.
Take the LLS fuel level sensor out from the calibration tank and let the fuel drip off from the sensor for 1 minute. In the program window, click on the “Empty” button and click “Save in the sensor”.
Fuel tank calibration involves the process of filling the fuel tank beginning with the empty tank until it becomes full and is characterized by a defined interval for calibration points, with the Product readings subsequently recorded into a calibration table.
To begin the calibration process, drain the fuel tank and connect the sensor to a PC.
From the configurator, open the Calibration tab and click “Add Sensor”
Network sensor calibration
Select the network address and click ok. For one sensor, the network address should be set to “1”.
In the first row of the “Liters” column, specify the initial fuel volume in the tank.
Define the “Filling step, Liters” according to the volume of the measuring tank, and click “Start calibration”. When adding fuel into the tank, use a measuring tank or a flow meter with the preset scale interval. Fill out the table as follows:
In the “Liters” column, specify the number of liters corresponding to the amount of fuel added.
The “Sensor readings” column will display the value corresponding to the amount of fuel added.
Record the sensor’s reading corresponding to the amount of fuel added by clicking on one of the following: “Enter” or “Add a row”. In the latter case, a new row will be added to the table. To delete the entered row, click “Del”.
When adding the fuel to the tank, the values of the relative level must increase monotonically. The first and last lines are the most important for a correct calibration table (and further correct readings of the tank’s fuel volume).
Each of the liter's values for the next steps is inserted in the table according to real fuelling (how many liters of the fuel are in the tank for this exact moment). It can be seen at the fuel counter display or arithmetically adding fuelling step to the former liters value.
Each N value could be added after a portion of the fuel is added into the fuel tank and 30 seconds have passed to obtain the stable, correct N value.
To finish tank calibration, click “Finish the calibration”. To save the calibration table as an XML-file, click “Export”.
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