Site Status Card

Site Status Card

The site status includes information regarding the main parameters of each energy asset on site - the Grid, Generator, Solar, Wind and Battery. Furthermore, it will display the contribution of each energy asset to the site's load and the load's power. The display of each asset will be independent of the others, and will only appear if:

  • Grid – If the sites layout includes the text “On Grid”

  • Generator – According to Generator 1/2 Panel, or Configuration->Generator1/2 Running, or if Fuel_1/2 is configured

  • Solar - If the sites layout includes the text “Solar”

  • Wind - If the sites layout includes the text “Wind”

  • Battery - If the site layout includes the text "Storage"

  • Request Update - This is a manual request for the unit's status and location


Site Status data is based on global fields.


Main View

  • There will be power data associated with each element (Grid/Generator/Battery/Solar/Wind). kW refers to the amount of power flowing from the source to the consumer.

  • A dark blue color will be applied to elements that are under load, and a light blue color will be applied to other elements.

  • Load percentages will only be displayed for elements that are on load.

  • When Site_Global.Grid_on_Load is true -> flow direction is from the grid to the site icon

  • Grid Export -

    • When Site_Global.Grid_Power < 0 -> flow direction is from the site icon to the grid.

    • If Site_Global.Grid_Power < 0 is true, the text "Export" above the icon will appear (instead of the percentages)

  • In the event that Site_Global.Battery_Charging is true, instead of percentages, the text "Charging" will be displayed, and the battery's icon color will remain dark blue.

  • The generator load is calculated as follows: Site_Global.1_Load [%] + Site_Global.2_Load [%]

  • When elements are on load (X_On_Load == True), their line will move toward the site's icon (Generator1_On_Load or Generator2_On_Load for generator icons). When the battery is charging (Site_Global.Battery_Charging), the line will move from the icon to the battery.

  • The text "Unknown On Load" will be displayed next to the site's main icon if the unknown source is loaded ("Site_Global.Unknown_On_Load = True)

  • Consumers Load - appears below the site icon (Site_Global.Consumers_Load_Power). Adds up all the power consumed on site. Accordingly, the result value is the product of the tenants' power and the rectifiers' power, as well as the power of all the air conditioners on the premises.

  • Alarms Indicators - Amount and color of alarms over the relevant energy asset. In the event that there is more than one alarm, the color of the most critical alarm will be displayed:

    • Grid - Grid Partly Available, Grid Fail, Grid High Voltage

    • Generator - Fuel_1,2 Disconnected, Fuel_1,2 Low, Fuel 1,2 Very Low, Alarm FuelTank Hatch_1,2, _1,2 Fail To Start, _1,2 Fail To Stop, Running Batt Discharge

    • Wind - No alarms on-site global

    • Battery - DC Alarm BLV, DC Alarm PLD, DC Alarm LVD

    • Solar - No alarms on-site global

Site Trends

Site Trends provide real-time insights directly from the live view, enabling users to assess site performance without the need to proactively execute reports or dashboards. Panorama's trends highlight whether current production and consumption levels align with the site's historical data patterns or deviate from them, helping identify normal or abnormal behavior.

Trend indications will appear next to energy asset names in the Site Status (At that point only for Solar and Consumers Load data) and can show positive or negative trends.

Hovering over the indication opens a tooltip with:

  • Active Parameter: Time (hh:mm), Name, Value.

  • Historical Parameter: Comparison time span, Name, Value.

  • A dynamic graph based on tooltip details.

  • Learn More: Opens a detailed weekly report in a new tab.

Solar Trends

The "Live View Trends" feature helps you quickly understand how the site's current solar power generation compares to its typical performance.

How It Works:

Trends compare current solar power to the average solar power during the same time slot over the past week. For example, if it's 14:07, today's data is compared to last week's average for 14:00–14:15.

  • The trend indication appears only if either the current solar power or the past average for the time slot is above 0.01 kW.

What the Indications Mean:

  • Green: Current solar power is equal to or higher than the past average for this time slot.

  • Neutral (blue): Current solar power is slightly below the past average but still within 90% of it.

  • Red: Current solar power is significantly lower than the past average.

Tooltip Details:
Hovering over a trend indication provides additional insights, including:

  • Active Solar Power: Current solar power level, displayed in kW. If no power is being generated, "No Power" will be shown.

  • Average Solar Power: The average solar power for this time slot over the last 7 days.

A simple bar chart visually compares these two values, with colors indicating whether the trend is positive, neutral, or negative.

Learn More:
Clicking on the trend opens a detailed report with a week's worth of data, including key metrics like solar power, battery usage, grid consumption, and generator performance.

Consumers Load Trends

The "Live View Trends" feature helps you monitor and understand how the site's current power consumption compares to typical patterns.

How It Works:

  • The system compares current power consumption (in kW) with the average consumption for the same time slot over the past week. For example, if it's 14:07, today's data is compared to the 14:00–14:15 average from the previous week.

  • A trend indication is shown only if the current power consumption or the past average for the time slot is greater than 0 kW.

What the Indications Mean:

  • Green: Current power consumption is equal to or higher than the past week’s average for the same time slot.

  • Red: Current power consumption is lower than the past week’s average.

Tooltip Details:
Hovering over the trend provides additional information:

  • Current Consumption: The site’s live power consumption, displayed in kW (precision: 2). If no power is being consumed, "No Power" will be displayed.

  • Historical Average: The average power consumption for the same time slot over the past 7 days.

A bar chart visually compares current and historical values. The current value is colored green or red, while the historical value is always blue.

Learn More:
Clicking on the trend opens a detailed report with a week’s worth of data, including metrics like power consumption, solar usage, battery usage, grid consumption, and generator performance. The report opens in a new tab with a detailed graph as the default view.

Expanded View

In the expanded view of the Site Status Card, you will be able to see additional details that are not presented in the main view.

The site location is part of the expanded view of the Site Status Card. The map presenting the real-time location and movement of your units on the map.

The map view can be switched between satellite view and map view.

It is a Google map that includes a variety of features.