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Operating Procedures

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Training Request Procedure

Galooli training request procedure defines the concept of our training processes.
Our ambition is to find the most suitable training methods for our clients.

  1. Our preference is for online self-learning training

  2. Depending on the client type, there is also eligibility for frontal training if necessary and at Galooli's discretion

  3. For ongoing training please fill out the next form, and for onboarding training, please contact your Galooli customer manager's representative

System Usage Policy

Galooli is fully dedicated to ensuring its customers with a seamless, enjoyable, and efficient experience while using its services. Nevertheless, abusive or excessive use of the company's services may result in limitations on system usage. In exceptional cases, excessive usage may potentially lead to the complete suspension of system access. Galooli reserves the sole discretion to determine what constitutes excessive usage of its services.  

Specifically, Galooli defines non-excessive usage according to the following criteria:  

  • Daily active events: up to 30 events per unit  

  • Email notifications: up to 2 emails per event on average  

  • 3rd party daily SMS: up to 2 emails per event on average  

  • Daily NOC alarms: up to 10 alarms per unit  

  • Daily reports count: up to 10 reports per unit  

  • Daily scheduled reports count: up to 50% of the total reports count  

  • Summary reports scope: up to 365 days  

  • Detailed report scope: up to 92 days  

  • Daily SDK Queries: up to 8,640  

  • X-Ray parameters per unit: 100  

  • Daily OTA upgrades:  

    • For organizations with up to 200 units: 20 

    • For organizations with more 200 units: 1,000 

    • A total organizational upgrade is allowed within intervals of no less than 10 days, regardless of the organization's size.  

  • Users and Managers count: up to 1,000  

  • Daily Automations: up to 10,000

Galooli reserves the right to change, add, or omit any of the criteria and metrics listed above. Galooli will do its best to notify customers of any changes to the terms and manner of system usage in a timely manner. These conditions apply when excessive system usage stems from intentional customer actions or technical issues, including notification and event configuration issues.  

SLA Policy

The following articles provide an overview of Galooli's service level agreement policy (SLA) and related policies. The documents explain who is eligible to get Galooli support, communication methods, request types, handling of different cases severity of software and hardware problems, the handling of RMA for different products, and the time required for each level of severity.

The document also explains the policy of updates and major upgrades of the software and the training methodologies.         

Our support team is available for any questions or clarification regarding this document.

License Plan Type

The Galooli software solution includes a number of applications, features, tools, and menus. Each of these capabilities is available to customers depending on the organization's license type that defines which system capabilities will be available to them and which will not.
The full documentation can be found at the following link - License Plan Type

General Support Terms

Solutions Support

Galooli provides customers with technical help in order to pursue proper usage of our solutions and ensure the most efficient methods to help our customers.

Galooli support and technical services are provided to our partners who meet the following term of service:

  • Authorized Galooli partner

  • Authorized Battery OEM with Galooli solution

  • Authorized Galooli Customer

  • Fully commercial with Galooli products

  • No pending debts to Galooli

  • Experience in working with Galooli hosting software, applications, and gateways

  • Product has passed inspection before launch

Communication Levels and Services

The following communication methods are available for the Galooli Support team:

  • Client Portal

  • Communication through the Galooli support portal at any time

  • Customer portal access information is delivered by Galooli Support to specific Technical Contacts

  • This form of communication is the preferred way of communicating with the Galooli Support team

  • Email-based Technical Support shall be provided through email id

  • Telephone Support:
    9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Jerusalem time zone (UTC + 02:00).
    Sunday through Friday (holidays excluded)

Technical Support Engineers

For the Technical Support services specified above, Galooli’s Support team are performing the following tasks:

  • Coordinate the resolution of the problem

  • Verify any reported error, including by obtaining additional information from Customer

  • Communicate to the Customer a resolution or workaround, or supply a bug fix, as appropriate.

Issue Related Information

For Galooli to provide the best and fast service on any issue, there is some basic information needed for any support case opened. Whenever an error report is placed to the Galooli Support Center, the following information must be provided:

  • Vehicle, generator battery, battery, or another asset on which Galooli products are installed

  • Unit ID’s where the issue is related to

  • Hardware/Software version

  • Any program error messages associated with the problem

  • A detailed description of the problem with specific examples, exact time stamps, and logs if applicable

  • Steps to reproduce the problem        

Customer Technical Contacts

The customer is to designate one or two employees, to serve as technical liaisons with Galooli. To avoid interruptions in support services, customers should notify Galooli whenever their technical contacts responsibilities are transferred to another individual. Customers will ensure that each technical contact is trained on Galooli products.

 Galooli Upgrades and Maintenance

Galooli support maintains a customer contact distribution list in its support portal for communicating service-related information, such as scheduled service maintenance, product upgrades, and newsletters.

Note: it is the customer’s responsibility to inform Galooli support of all changes to the communication contact distribution list to maintain an updated version of the list

Periodic Updates

Galooli performs periodical updates to its software solutions. Galooli support team communicates these changes through release notes once these updates are performed.

Major Upgrades

In addition to the ongoing updates, and in order to keep Galooli’s solutions at the front of the technology and market offering, Galooli may perform major upgrades in accordance with its development roadmap.

These upgrades are being communicated with customers prior to the launch, whenever it is possible, and usually, they come with appropriate training.

Technical Issues Resolution Priorities

Reports to the Galooli support team might be one of the following request types:

  • Issue

  • Question

  • Feature request

Each type is handled differently:

  • An issue is handled according to the issue resolution procedure below

  • A question would be answered as soon as possible.

  • A feature request would be forwarded to the account manager and product manager for further discussions.

Issue Resolution Policy

Galooli categorizes reported errors as provided in the table below and will use reasonable efforts to respond to reported errors according to the schedule indicated.

  • “Acknowledgment” means confirming receipt of a problem, verifying details, attempting to duplicate the problem,

and confirming status to Customer.

  • “Response” means providing the customer with an answer, a patch, or a resolution action plan.

Galooli shall be responsible to provide support only upon failure of a Galooli product to follow its functional specifications as outlined in the applicable product documentation.

An issue is not considered an error if:

  • The Galooli product is combined or merged with any hardware or software not supported by Galooli

  • The issue is caused by the Customer's misuse or improper use of the Galooli product

All issues identified by Galooli support or customers are assigned a severity level by the customer. Issues are addressed by their severity levels. Galooli reserves the right to change the severity level due to technical or business considerations.

Severity might change due to:

  • A workaround has been found to customer satisfaction

  • An upgrade to fix the issue is available

  • The issue is due to operational misconduct

  • The issue is the result of the customer's infrastructure

An issue is resolved when one of the following has been applied:

  • A fix in the product

  • An agreed workaround

  • An agreed operational conduct

  • An agreed-upon work plan to solve the issue within a time limit

The following is the summary of the four severity levels:

Severity Level Critical

An issue is considered critical when the service is unavailable, unreliable, or severely degraded and has a significant impact on customer business functions and practices. Examples include:

  • Total outage

  • Vital Feature not working

Severity Level High

An issue is considered high when the service has experienced some disruption and the impact on the customer business functions and practices is moderate.

Examples include:

  • Slowness in the application

  • Primary features are degraded

  • A significant number of users are experiencing issues with the application

  • Billing services are affected

Severity Level Medium

An issue is considered medium when the effect to the customer is limited or a measure of discomfort to the users has been reported.

Examples include:

  • Slowness in part of the application

  • A secondary feature is degraded

  • A small number of users are experiencing issues with the application

Severity Level Low

An issue is considered Low when the effect to the customer is limited to a minor feature or a measure of small discomfort to the users has been reported.

“Question” and “new feature” request types shall be considered Low as well.


A defective Hardware product or one of its parts may only be returned upon Galooli’s prior written approval. Any such approval shall reference a Returned Material Authorization (“RMA”) number.

To request an RMA number, the Customer must issue a ticket through the Galooli support portal. The technical support teams

shall change the ticket type to RMA after remote troubleshooting and issue the RMA number notification.

General RMA Process

Return Merchandise Application

In the RMA process, we treat in a different way between the Battery tracker+ product and other products as the shipment of the working battery may be hard to operate.

Fleet, Power, Battery, RMS

In the event of a hardware failure, please submit a support request through Galooli’s ticketing portal to obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number.

Please provide the following details:

  • Serial Number

  • Installation date

  • Failure detection date

  • Problem description

 Attach the RMA Report document within the ticket; upon approval add the RMA report document within the returned hardware packaging.

 Galooli technical support shall coordinate units troubleshooting and testing; once RMA is approved the ticket RMA status will be changed to ‘Waiting for Documents’

A notification mail shall be sent to the ticket owner with the RMA number for future follow-up and handling.

Approval of shipping documentation– prepare and send for review the shipping documentation, follow the automatic email notification instruction with the required details.

  • List of unit serial numbers

  • Copy of Galooli original invoice

  • Copy of your export invoice, make sure to set a minimum price per unit and no greater than the original cost

  • On your invoice add a comment – “the goods are returned to exporter”

  • RMA number

Once documentation is approved the RMA status will be changed to ‘Waiting for Customer Shipment’. Upon package, shipping provides the courier tracking number within the ticket.

The customer must submit shipping documentation for approval and ship back the faulty hardware product suitably packaged.

Battery Tracker+

In the event of a hardware failure, please submit a support request through Galooli’s ticketing portal to obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number.

Please provide the following details –

  • Serial Number

  • Installation date

  • Failure detection date

  • Problem description

Galooli technical support shall coordinate unit troubleshooting and testing and will approve the RMA without the need to send the unit back unless a deep investigation is required by Galooli.

Galooli is responsible only for the Sparta unit and delivers the part to the OEM factory for assembly.

Return Merchandise Handling

The notification shall be sent to you upon arrival of the RMA units at the Galooli office.

A preliminary assessment will be performed within 5 working days of your product reception. Products found to be damaged through neglect, due to inadequate packaging, or during transit, will have the warranty voided.

All returned products will be tested by our RMA department and will be reset to factory default to determine if the product is defective. Returned units will be either repaired or replaced at the sole discretion of Galooli.

All returned material must have a valid Galooli RMA number. This number is necessary to ensure proper tracking and handling of returned material at the factory. Do not return any hardware until an RMA is issued. Galooli reserves the right to refuse shipments that do not have an authorized RMA number or to charge extra handling fees.

Under Warranty Report

Returned units under warranty will be either repaired or replaced at the sole discretion of Galooli.

Units returned under a valid RMA number will receive a ninety (90) day hardware warranty or the remainder of the original hardware warranty, whichever is longer.

All in-warranty repairs or replacements are free of charge.

Out of Warranty Report

Returned units out of warranty shall be tested to determine the required fix, A test fee shall be charged per each "out of warranty unit".

Following the test results:

  • The basic fix shall be free of charge

  • A major fix shall be quoted separately and will be applied upon clients approval

  • Units returned after more than 3 years from the shipping date shall be charged for testing according to the RMA fees table below. If they can be repaired the repair shall be quoted separately.

Galooli commits to make any reasonable effort to fix units "out of warranty" with a valid RMA number.

Repair & Replace Delivery Time

By the end of the RMA repair and replace handling an RMA resolution report shall be attached to the RMA ticket.

All RMA repairs or replacements handling shall be completed and ready to ship back to the customer within 30 working days from the receipt date of the RMA units in the Galooli office or 30 working days from customer approval of extra charges if required, whichever is longer.

Out of warranty units that cannot be repaired shall be announced as Out of Cycle. Galooli commits to making the best efforts to minimize the RMA handling time.

Shipping Guidance

When you have received your RMA number and are ready to ship the product back to Galooli, please:

  1. RMA units must be shipped in their original plastic enclosure.

  2. Package the product securely; Galooli will not be responsible for damage due to shipping.

  3. Ship ONLY the product(s) for which the RMA number was issued

  4. Mark the RMA number clearly on the shipping box

  5. Place the RMA document within the shipping box.

  6. All products being sent to Galooli for repair or replacement must be shipped in to our facility by the door to door courier service

  7. The customer is responsible for any costs in shipping the product to and from Galooli.

  8. We recommend you buy insurance for the value of the product against shipping damage, Galooli will not be responsible for and does not warrant damage of any sort incurred before our receipt of the product. In our experience, common carriers will also not be held responsible for shipping damage in cases where packing was insufficient.

Our Mailing Address:

Galooli Ltd.

Attn.: RMA Dept.

Sonol Tower, 52 Begin Road

Tel Aviv, 6578202


Tel: 972.3.5656900


RMA Fees



Basic Repair

Major Repair

RMA Under Warranty

No fee

No Fee

No Fee

RMA Out of Warranty


No Fee

Shall be quoted

RMA units over 3 years from invoice date


No Fee

Shall be quoted

Not RMA approved*

Minimum of 25$

No Fee

Shall be quoted

Galooli reserves the right to refuse shipments that do not have an authorized RMA number or to charge extra handling fees.

The Galooli Galooli Support Team is the only authorized repair center for Galooli Group products. Any unauthorized repairs conducted on any Galooli product will void all warranties and will result in non-repair of the product or repair charges.

Your Galooli product must be free of physical damage or modification. Any unit that has been damaged as a result of an accident, abuse, misuse, natural or personal disaster, or any unauthorized disassembly; repair or modification will result in non-repair of the product and/or may incur a service charge upon receiving the item.

Items received with missing or damaged warranty labels are considered out of warranty due to tampering

Products that are repaired under warranty shall have a full warranty for the stated warranty period, which is one year from the date of purchase or for 90 days from the date of return to the customer, whichever comes later.

Repairs of out-of-warranty products are warranted for 90 days from the date of return to the customer.

Warranty applies only to the specific repairs made by Galooli, including any parts or sub-assemblies replaced. Repaired products are not warranted against any failures in components or sub-assemblies which were not repaired or replaced by Galooli during the repair process.

Galooli reserves the right, in or out of warranty, to either repair or replace, at its sole discretion, in part or whole, any RMA item with new or with remanufactured parts.

If you have any questions about these terms, please contact

These policies are subject to change by Galooli without prior notice.

Overdue Payment Policy


The following document presents Galooli's policy in cases there is a payment overdue for Galooli's services.

The work process in cases of payment overdue includes alerts to customers about the payment overdue, blocking the use of systems for the organization's managers, blocking notifications to end-users, and finally blocking access to the system for all users.

All decisions and processes depend on the time elapsed from the moment of payment overdue, the type of customer, and the terms of the contract.

Full Service

During a normal routine, all users of the system receive a full service as defined in the contract

Initial Payment Overdue

Depending on the contract of engagement after several notifications and alerts about the overdue, the following consequences will be manifested:


User Type

Blocking the login to the system

Managers and users that can see more than 2 clusters

No notifications will be sent from the system

Managers and all the end-users

Blocking the service from the Galooli support team

Managers and all the end-users

Scheduled reports will not be sent

Managers and all the end-users

Advanced Payment Overdue

After a prolonged period of delay in payment, all sorts and types of users will be blocked from using the system

Post-debt settlement operations

The release of a block from any organization can take up to 48 hours after the funds are credited to the Galooli bank account.

A blocked account will only be released after all invoices that have passed the due date have been paid in full, not just the one particular invoice.

Account Balance

At any given moment, you can view the balance of the debt via the Manager Application. For more information click here.

Training Programs

Galooli's training course is meant for partners, working with Galooli’s management and tracking tools, who want to increase their skills level and the quality of rendered services respectively.

The training courses can be done either on client premises, Galooli's support centers, or remote online training. The course syllabus shall be based on client requests and needs and to be determined mutually with the partner.

Training options include:

  1. Remote technical and sales-oriented training sessions

  2. Full access to Galooli Knowledgebase Portal including, user guides, “how-to” articles, and more

  3. Participation in Galooli public webinars

  4. Per need and agreement between the parties on-site training

  5. Access to the ticketing systems for all technical inquiries

Eligible Training Participants

Authorization to participate in a training program under the following conditions

  • Authorized Galooli Partner

  • Authorized Battery OEM with Galooli solution

  • An active Galooli customer

  • Experience in working with Galooli hosting software, applications, and gateways

  • No pending debts to Galooli


The training course cost as it appears in your price list

Travel, transfer, accommodation & hosting costs shall be borne by the training course participant.


Customer rank (A/AA/AAA)

Number of participants in a group (in one of Galooli's support centers): 5

Number of participants in a group (In participant's premises): 15

Duration of training course shall be determined by Galooli following participant's needs and Galooli restrictions

Participants must provide the following details before the training course:

  • A detailed list of subjects to be covered, problems, and challenges

  • Number of participants, their experience, and role in the company

  • When Installation demonstration is required, what asset and its relative location to head office

  • Special equipment that is required or missing

  • POC for coordination and preparation of training

Integration Test Suite

Unit Testing for Sensors and Data Acquisition Device

  • Test each sensor individually to ensure it is providing accurate and reliable data (analog parameters & alarms).

  • Check for any anomalies or errors in data collection.

  • Simulate a 'Sensor Disconnected' scenario and check for the proper indication from the system.

Local Communication Testing

  • Ensure that the data is transmitted accurately and in the expected format.

  • Verify that the data collection device can handle both digital and analog data.

Cloud Connection Testing

  •  Ensure Data transmission interval are accurate by reviewing the logged transmission time (via Galooli Pro)

  • Ensure  that the full data payload is identical to the data collected by the control ( compare controller reading with Galooli Panorama - Live).

  • Ensure that the device responsible for sending data to the cloud can establish a secure and reliable connection.(Galooli Panorama - Live)

  • Test data transmission to the cloud to confirm that the server is receiving the correct data (Check ECS logs via Kibana solution).

Error Handling Testing

  • Simulate scenarios where the network connection is poor or temporarily unavailable.

  • Test how the system handles and recovers from communication failures or interruptions.

Scalability Testing

  • Test the system's ability to handle the maximum scenario (MAX number of sensors in a given location) .

  • Ensure that the data transmission process remains efficient and reliable as the system scales.

  • No labels