My Organization

My Organization

My organization's menu presents the structure of the organization hierarchically. The organization is made up of the organization itself, the cluster, the group, and, eventually the unit.

This tab is read-only. Edit your units using the "My Units" menu.

The Hierarchy


The highest level of the organization hierarchy and embeds within itself all the clusters, groups, and units contained within the system. The organization name is set and defined by Galooli and can't be changed by any of the users. Learn more.


Cluster is the second-highest level of the organization hierarchy. The cluster is a branch under the organization and each organization can contain one or more clusters. Clusters contain groups and units. Learn more.


The group is the third-highest level of the organization hierarchy. Groups are lower than the organization and fleets and each fleet can contain one or more groups. Groups contain units. Learn more.


The unit is the building block of the Galooli solution and acts as the logical identity representing the asset in the system. The unit is the lowest level of the unit hierarchy and does not have any levels beneath it. Learn more.

Screen customization

All navigation windows can be moved to appear anywhere on the page. Simply drag the window to the desired location on the page. The window can also be maximized and minimized to match the user's convenience. 

Expand and Collapse Tree

There is a simple way to collapse and expand any of the ZONMAX information that is displayed as a “tree” form. To alternate between the states, click the expand/collapse icon at the top right corner

Detailed Information

When it is necessary to see more information about a particular unit, click the “Detailed” icon at the top right corner.


Clicking on the Commands icon on the right side of the bottom navigation offers several additional options for unit management as follows:

  Mobilize - Refer here for more information

  Immobilize - Refer here for more information