For each configured battery a different card will be displayed, in the following structure:
SOC (precision 0)
SOH (precision 0)
Min Cell V
Max Cell V
Temperature 1
Temperature 2
Temperature 3/2 - This is the temperature of the batteries. As a backup, these two temperatures measure the same thing. When the temperature is too high, the battery turns itself off for safety reasons, thus taking the higher figure, so the values should be relatively similar.
Temperature 3
For Polarium Batteries - “Temperature 3” is the “FET Temperature” of the batteries.
Alarms - will be divided according to the alarm (Critical, Urgent, Non Urgent, Observation). Each alarm type is a drop-down, where the title is the number of alarms and type. The following link provides a listing of all alarms, organized according to battery type - https://galooli.atlassian.net/l/cp/mqLgeDi0