Our support team is available for any questions or clarification regarding this document.
License Plan Type
The Galooli software solution includes a number of applications, features, tools, and menus. Each of these capabilities is available to customers depending on the organization's license type that defines which system capabilities will be available to them and which will not.
The full documentation can be found at the following link - License Plan Type
General Support Terms
Galooli provides customers with technical help in order to pursue proper usage of our solutions and ensure the most efficient methods to help our customers.
Galooli support and technical services are provided to our partners who meet the following term of service:
Authorized Galooli partner
Authorized Battery OEM with Galooli solution
Authorized Galooli Customer
Fully commercial with Galooli products
No pending debts to Galooli
General Support Terms
Galooli provides customers with technical help in order to pursue proper usage of our solutions and ensure the most efficient methods to help our customers.
Galooli support and technical services are provided to our partners who meet the following term of service:
Authorized Galooli partner
Authorized Battery OEM with Galooli solution
Authorized Galooli Customer
Fully commercial with Galooli products
No pending debts to Galooli
Experience in working with Galooli hosting software, applications, and gateways
Product has passed inspection before launch
Galooli reserves the right to change, add, or omit any of the criteria and metrics listed above. Galooli will do its best to notify customers of any changes to the terms and manner of system usage in a timely manner. These conditions apply when excessive system usage stems from intentional customer actions or technical issues, including notification and event configuration issues.
License Plan Type
The Galooli software solution includes a number of applications, features, tools, and menus. Each of these capabilities is available to customers depending on the organization's license type that defines which system capabilities will be available to them and which will not.
The full documentation can be found at the following link - License Plan Type