The Request
An organization that manages off grid hybrid telecom sites is interested in developing a report that will demonstrate how to optimize hybrid site performance and reduce generator run time.
This is the request of the company:
Locate an all of the off-grid site hybrid sites where the batteries are in use less than 25% of the day. In This indicates inefficient use of batteries and is therefore considered to be a site that is not utilizing its full energy potential.
After that conduct a detailed analysis of one of the sites you identified and create a report that displays the status of all the energy components in this site in order to determine why the batteries are only working for a short period of time, we will need to build a detailed report and find the following information:
Is the generator running? When?
Is the battery discharging? When?
Which of the sites are operating properly?. There can be a number of reasons, such as: the batteries are defective or the site consumes more energy than the batteries can provide.
The Solution
Open the Galooli Pro Application.
In order to locate an off-grid and hybrid site with batteries that are used for less than 25% of the day, you should run a summary report on all the organizations, using two different fields and a filtering methods.
Using the "Site Layout" field to find only the text "Offgrid" and “Hybrid”. In order to accomplish this, you will need to use a "
וגם היברידי - מורכב
The Regular Expression” method.
Using the "Usage Time Battery" field displays battery to find batteries usage under six hours (25% of the day).
The report will display only the sites that meet your specific requirements.
We would now like to investigate why the batteries lasted less than six hours. To answer this question, you should have an understanding of the site's status. In order to fully understand this, you must run a detailed report on the one site that you found in the summary report.
Run a detailed report using the following fields:
Select one unit from the list of results and verify that the data matches what you anticipated.
To understand the status of all the energy components on site and, ultimately, determine why the batteries are only functioning for a short period of time, please run the following detailed report for one week on the selected unit:
Add a “Recorded Digital Inputs” - "Site_Global.Generator_1_Running" field, allowing you to determine whether the generator is running and when , add a XXX field. “it is running.
Add a “Recorded Digital Inputs” - "Site_Global.Generator_X_Running”To Battery_Discharging" field, in order to be able to determine whether the battery is batteries are discharging and when , add a XXX field.
”they are discharging.Add a “Recorded Analog Inputs”-“Site_Global.Battery_SOH” field, which will allow you to examine the health of the battery and determine whether the problem lies with the battery itself.
Add a “Recorded Analog Inputs”-“Site_Global.Battery_SOC” field, in order to verify that the batteries are charging and discharging properly.
Add a “Recorded Analog Inputs”-“Site_Global.Battery_Discharging”
Consumers load power - global
Battery power - global
Temperature” field, to determine whether the battery temperature is within the normal range.
Add a “Recorded Analog Inputs” - “Site_Global.Consumers_Load_Power [W]” field, which will allow you to view the load that is created by the energy consumers.
Add a “Recorded Analog Inputs” - “Site_Global.Battery_Power [W]” field, which displays the power provided by the batteries
Use the "Detailed Graph" view in order to gain a full understanding of the site's operational status.